Chapter 33; brother & map

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Chapter 33

"What's wrong with you and Harry?"

She furrowed her eyebrows and waited for a plausible answer.

"Well, I guess I broke up?" I more like questioned then stated. "Why?" she asked with wide eyes. "He'll be happy to explain it to you," I said before helping Kim in the kitchen.

Noah helped us place all the food on the table and I told them to dig in. Harry offered to fill everyone's glasses with wine or water before we all started talking and eating.

I was sitting between Gemma & Kim while Harry was sitting right in front of me. Suddenly the door bell rang again. "I didn't invite any more people, I swear," Kim held her hands up in surrender.

I stood up from my chair and went to open the door.

"Oh my god," I gasped and placed my hands over my mouth. "Zoe," he smiled happily. "ZANE!" I screamed and jumped into my brother's arms. "How did you know?" I asked with the widest grin since Teresa's death.

"A bird told me," he shushed me and hugged me again. It's been quiet some time since we last saw each other. Two years, I believe.

I dragged him into the penthouse and he followed me to where everyone else was. "Hello everyone," Zane waved and everyone greeted him as well.

"That's my brother Zane. Zane, that's Kim, Noah, Riley, Derek, Tamara, John, Lizzy, Maura, Bobby, Robin, Anne, Gemma, Harry, Niall & Tony," I introduced and pointed to everyone on the table. I was surprised that I could remember that many names.

We squeezed Zane between Kim & I and I still wondered how he knew about this party. "Who invited you?" I asked him again. "someone." "Who Zane? Just tell me who?"


My head snapped up and I stared at him in shock. "Harry?"

He nodded and pointed to Harry who was in a deep conversation with Tony & Niall. I stayed silent for the rest of the dinner as I stole glances from Harry every now and then. How did he even know who my brother was?

"I heard about Teresa, Mom & Dad didn't even tell me," Zane said frustrated, "I would've been there if they told me but it's to late now anyways."

Suddenly Kim stood up and grinned at her parents.

"I have to tell you guys something and you guys as well," she said and smiled at her and Noah's parents. "I'm pregnant."

Their parents cheered happily and were beyond happy with the news of baby number two. Soon the night came to an end though and Noah's parents plus Tony & Kim's parents left with Noah, Kim & Riley.

Niall took his parents home with him whilst Gemma, Anne & Robin stayed along with Zane of course. Gemma pulled Harry aside probably because she wanted to know why we had broken up.

"We should get to our hotel now," Anne said but I stopped her. "You guys could just crash here," I smiled and I knew they wanted to argue but according to them they would've come back tomorrow anyways.

They agreed and I showed them the guest rooms. Robin went to get their luggage and placed it in the two guest rooms I had.

Now they probably think I would sleep with Harry but that's far from happening. I told Zane to place his bag in my room before we all meet up downstairs again to end the evening with talking and watching TV.

Gemma & I talked a lot and she would occasionally shot Harry a death glare. Surprisingly, Harry & Zane got along really well and talked about anything and everything.

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