Chapter 19; 2nd & FINALLY

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Chapter 19

I walked into my building with a decent smile on my face. I greeted Niall on the way as he smirked at me knowingly. "oh fuck off," I rolled my eyes and waved him off before he got to his office, laughing.

I got onto my floor and placed my things in my office before I walked off to greet Kim. "Hey girl," she grinned as she engulfed me in a tight hug. "I have to tell you something," we sat at the same time.

"You first," she said but I shook my head, "no you first."

She motioned me to follow her and we got into my office to talk in private. "What is it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "I'm pregnant," she announced happily.

"oh my god, that's amazing. Did you tell Noah?" I asked happily. She shook her head, "No, I just found out yesterday and he was at work so when he got home I was already asleep but I'll tell him today."

"I can't beat that, honestly."

She laughed, "well...?"

"Harry & I went on a date and we're a couple now," I told her and suddenly she let out a scream, making me cringe. "ahh, stop it," I covered my ears as she jumped up and down.

"Sorry, but that's amazing."

Suddenly I heard a knock and my office and told the person to come in. At first I kinda expected Harry but the Irish lad happily stalked into the room and held his hand out to Kim.

"20 bucks."

I raised my eyebrow at them as Kim groaned and looked through her wallet. Suddenly another knock echoed through the room and in came the one and only Harry Styles.

He smiled at me but also looked confused at the scene between Kim & Niall.

Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek before he asked what was going one. I shrugged not really knowing it myself.

"first of all, aww that was so cute," Kim said as she grinned at Harry & I, "second of all, I don't have any money." Niall rolled his eyes, "uh huh, and what are those bills in your wallet?"

"those...uhm, those are...from Monopoly. Riley put them there," Kim obviously lied.

Niall raised his eyebrow again and with a loud, annoyed groan Kim handed Niall twenty bucks. "What for?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well, you see..."

Niall cut Kim off and explained it for me, "Kim said that it would take you guys at least two more weeks to finally come out of your shell but I said it would happen in less then a week because damn you guys rocked at my party."

I blushed and hid my face in Harry's chest, making Niall & Kim 'aww'. "Wait, so you bet on us?" Harry asked as he pulled me closer to him. "uhm, yea kinda."

I rolled my eyes at them and pushed them out of my office. I turned around and saw Harry smiling at me like a creep. "What?" I asked as I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around his neck. "you're my girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes, playfully, "Yes, boyfriend."

He leaned down to kiss me but just then someone slammed the door open.

"Miss Jen- oh...uh, I-I'm s-sorry...I-I," Sara stuttered as I turned around to face her. "Sara! What did I told you on your first day?" I raised my voice but Harry took my hand in his and squeezed it to calm me down.

"to knock?"

"Right, and what did you not do?"

"knock," she answered scared. "exactly!" I glared coldly at her but Harry's present and squeezing of my hand made me change my expression into a blank look.

"you can go now. I don't need anything," I sighed and waved her off.

Sara stared at me in shock since she probably thought I would fire her. She nodded and quickly sprinted out of the room. I turned around and saw Harry, smiling proudly.

"don't say anything," I growled and walked past him.

"oh but I will," he said and followed me to the huge window wall behind my desk. He wrapped his arms around my waist and my arms immediately flew around his neck where I played with his curls.

"I'm glad that you didn't fire her because of not knocking on your door," he said with a grin. "uh huh," I hummed and looked out of the window. People running around trying to get a cab or catching the next subway.

"hey, you know what?" I said excitedly. He looked cute he looks when he's confused, just so adorable. "Kim is pregnant," I grinned happily. "that's great!" Harry smiled widely at the news.

"yea, I'm so excited."

"you should go to work now," I said to Harry after a while of silence. "yea, I guess I should or else my boss will freak," he did a weird hand gesture as he said 'freak', making me laugh. "oh yea, she will."

He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on my lips before he walked out of my office. I called Sara to tell Harry that he should look for another investment before I got myself to work my butt off.

By the end of the day I had a lot done and got home where Teresa talked me into playing some board game.

"so you and Harry are FINALLY together?" she asked even though she knew the answer. "uhm, yea." "That's awesome! I love that boy. He's so nice and handsome and I think he's a great influence."

"If you think so," I shrugged and and continued playing with her.

"When will he come here again, anyways?" she asked after a while. "When I want him to come or when he just comes, Teresa." I got a little annoyed by all her questions but she knows me as long as I can remember and she was always there for me and knows every little secret.

"I'm proud of you."

You have no idea how happy I am every time she tells me that. My parents never did and I just love her so much that it was so special to me when she said it. "thank you," I smiled at her, making her smile as well.

"You should invite your friends to your birthday," she suggested. "I don't really celebrate my birthday," I said honestly. My parents would want me to come home and celebrate with everyone in family who has time but the last few years, I passed.

"but when you celebrated Niall's birthday you had a lot of fun," she pointed out. I agreed but I don't know if I should. I never really did and I don't need to celebrate my birthday just to have a get together with my friends.

"I'm going to bed now, you should too," I hugged Teresa before walking up the stairs and getting ready for bed.


I love Shawn Mendes sooooo much you have no idea. I went to his concert in April and I got tickets again for next year! ♥

Miss CEO | Harry Styles (AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora