Chapter 25; parents & proving

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Chapter 25

"How was it?" Kim asked as she walked into my office.

"It was good. I really liked it," I grinned, making her nod. "How far along are you?" I asked her as she had placed her hands on her belly. "two and a half months," she grinned happily.

We had a little small talk about the trip and her baby before she went back to work. I told her that if she wanted to go home or anything she could just talk to me and ask.

"Sara! go to Harry and bring me the documents of my new investment," I placed the phone back down and within three minutes I had them on my desk. I looked through them until I noticed a familiar yellow post-it.


I rolled my eyes with a grin on my face and put the note to the other I got from him over the past months. Suddenly my phone vibrated and without looking at the caller ID I just pressed the green button and held it to my ear.

"Zoe Jenson," I said into the phone.

"Hello honey, how are you doing?"

My jaw clenched as my mother's voice echoed through the phone.

"Hello Mother, I'm doing good," I pressed my lips into a thin line and waited for her to hang up as soon as possible. "Your father and I wanted to see how the company is doing."

"yea, so?"

"Where coming in now, see you soon."

And with that she hang up. My eyes widened and my fist clenched under my desk. "FUCK!"

I quickly tried to clear my desk and make it look presentable before I got out of my office and saw employees happily talking. "Alright everyone! No one disturbs me do you understand! If anyone, doesn't matter who or why, stalks into my office your career is ended! CLEAR?"

Everyone nodded and got back to work. Harry's office door opened and I saw him looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "Don't," I warned him and just then...

"Zoe my dear!"

I took a deep breath and turned around with the most fake smile in the entire universe. "Hey, Mom...Dad," I said and opened the door to my office to let them in. My mother sat on my chair whilst my father sat on another one.

I stood in the room and waited for them to say something to bring me over the edge. "you know, our company looks great actually," Mom said and my dad agreed right after.

"My company. Don't give yourself credit for something you haven't done," I snarled at my oh so lovely parents. "Well well my dear, we did start the company," my father said and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You started it and almost lost all the damn money you threw into this. You didn't even knew how to ran a company so no, nothing of this is on you."

"Don't talk to us like that!" Mom raised her voice. "You see, the company may be great but I'm not impressed. It isn't that much of a deal. You should work a little harder Zoe," she added making my heart ache.

"Your mother is right, instead of working you went to England to do god knows what with some boy. I want to meet him by the way," dad growled and traced the arm rest of the wooden chair, he was sitting on.

"No, you will not meet him."

"Oh yes we will! You should be working but instead you're fooling around with some boy! We're really disappointed in you young lady," my mother shook her head and got up from her seat.

"We'll come back soon and we want to see some progress!"

They both left my office and slammed the door shut. I wanted to prove them wrong. I wanted them to be proud of me so I needed to work harder and that's exactly what I will do.

I opened a drawer where I already had the needing documents I needed right now.

A knock echoed through my office and I groaned knowing that it was either Harry or an employee who really wants to get fired. The door opened and in came Harry.

"What was that all about?" he asked as he walked towards me with a raised eyebrow. "my parents decided to pay me a visit," I shrugged and looked through the documents I did a while back.

"and why was there yelling involved?"

"because. I'm sorry but I really need to get this done for once and for good," I said and sighed as he looked at me with his eyes burning me. "get what done?"



I send the contract for the investment to the guy who needed to sign it and mail it back before I got myself ready for working my fucking ass off.

I called Sara and she immediately picked up, "Yes Miss Jenson?"

"I want two strong coffees, tea, my favorite drink and something to eat."

"I'm on my way."

I hang up the phone and got started with the work. I planned on staying here tonight since working hours where almost over and one by one was leaving the building. I couldn't stop now. I need to prove them wrong.

I went through the documents and saw the different number I had to call because of the building.


"This is Miss Jenson. I wanted to talk to you about the London building."

"Yes, it's already cleared out and renovated. Is the expansion in progress already?"

"That's good and yes it is. I want you to make sure that everything is working out as soon as possible. The new furniture for the whole building and all the equipment needs to be on their place. How fast can you get this done?"

"It needs time but the more helper the faster it'll be done."

"Alright just mail me the amount of helpers you need to get this done in less then two weeks."

"I will do the best I can."

"I know."

I hang up the phone and called the people who were in charge for the computers and stuff. They told me they could get this done in less then a week if the furniture are on their places.

Sara came in with my orders right as I received the email with the number of workers who are needed. I almost spat the coffee out and not only because I hate the taste of it but because this will cost me a whole shit of money.

I mean it's not like I didn't have it but I just sometimes hate to throw out money like that even though I will have triple income which will be massive. I already doubled my income and I had more money then someone could dream off.

I laid a lot of money aside and instead of buying a twenty million dollar house I stayed in my penthouse which was enough for me since I lived alone and all.

I called people until I had the given amount of helpers and even a little more so it could get done as fast as possible. I hated all this. I hated working until I fall asleep on my desk but I needed to prove them wrong even if it's the last thing I will do.


I have so much to say but nothing after all 🙅🏼

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