Chapter 26; FIX IT & Teresa?

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Chapter 26


I slammed my hands on my desk and punched it several times as the pain shot through my hand. The door opened and in came the man who brought me over the edge with a worried and concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO?" He stared at me in shock as I yelled at him. I threw the recent documents at him and the look on his face hardened. "I don't know how that could have happen."

"But you did this! Why aren't you capable of such easy little things! I lost all the freaking money and I'm losing it whilst we're talking about this! FIX IT!"

Harry looked hurt by my outburst but without another word he left my office and tried to fix the problem he had caused. The investment costs me a lot of money instead of making money. I thought I could trust him with this.

I couldn't keep up with this now. I couldn't be distracted right now and he knew it! He fucking knew it! It's been four days since my parents marched into my office and told me that I wasn't working hard enough.

I even explained to him that I had to focus on the expansion right now yet he fucked up the investment.

I needed someone to fly to London to check out the building and to make sure that everything was working. A person came to my mind who will be working in the new company anyways and he's in the top three of the new CEO and I think he will be it.

I know him since I overtook my parents company because he used to work here but moved back to England about a year ago. I picked up my phone and dialed his number.


"Yes, I need you to keep an eye on my new company. I decided to start with the expansion already and since I know I can trust you and you're almost the CEO anyways I need you to check out the building and make sure everything is going smoothly."

"Alright sure! I didn't know that you wanted to expand this soon."

"Me neither but something came up and I needed to get this done. So I'm counting on you Zayn."

"I'll do my best just send me the details and documents and I'm on it."

"Already done. See you soon."

I hang up and the door to my office opened to reveal Harry. "I fixed it. I dropped out of the contract and fixed it," he said breathless and handed me the papers. "Well, if you did look at the paper then I would suggest you to leave the room."

The look on his face showed me then he didn't understood what I was saying. I tried my best to stay calm this time.

"What I was saying is that you better leave my office if you saw how much money I lost because of you," I said calmly with a blank expression. "Zoe I swear I didn't mean to. I don't know how that could've happened," he apologized over and over again but I needed him to leave. I was furious with him.

"Just leave."

"Zoe please-"

"leave Harry, I mean it."

He sighed and left the room but not before punching the door, making me flinch. Any other employee would've been fired a while ago but I couldn't do it. He was too important to me.

I continued working my ass off as suddenly someone knocked on my door again. I swear if it's Harry again I will punch him in his precious face. The door opened and in came Kim. Thank god.

"What is it?" I asked and only looked up at her briefly.

"What happened to you the past four days? All you do is working and yelling at people. You even screamed at Harry and he didn't look that happy after he left your office," she snapped but I tried to believe that it was only because of the hormones.

"He fucked up. It's not my fault he did this to himself and I really need to get the expansion done Kim."

"Why? You always said that you would take it step by step so you have more time for Harry and your friends and that the expansion could be done in at least a year because you weren't in a rush...why the sudden change of mind? Why do you want this done before the year ends? It's already the end of November."

"because I don't wait to wait any longer," I kinda lied and answered some emails about the expansion. "you're lying and you know it. If you change your mind to tell us what's going on then just give us a call."

And with that she got out of my office and left. Great.

I packed my things and decided to go home early and work there since I didn't want to spend the night in my office. I left to get to the elevator and drove all the way down before I got into the car and let Shawn drive me home.

When I got home Teresa was already cooking dinner. "Hello my dear," she grinned and walked up to me to plant a kiss on my forehead. "I'll get some work done," I muttered and left. I heard her calling that she loves me before she went back to cooking.

I got into my home office and placed my things there before I went to change into more comfortable clothes. I looked through my huge closet and picked a pair of sweatpants and a casual shirt. I barely get to wear clothes like that so it felt good to finally wear it.

I then sat down in front of my desk and got lost in my work again. I soon got a little hungry but I needed to wait until Teresa tells me that she was done cooking. I wonder what she was making since she was already cooking for an hour.

Suddenly I heard a loud thud. I lifted my head and tried to stay silent so I could hear if Teresa just let something fall or if it was something else.

The penthouse stayed silent and I contemplated whether I should go check or keep working. I decided to check on Teresa since she wasn't the youngest anymore and walked down the stairs. I got to the kitchen but didn't see her from farther away so I walked closer.

"Teresa?" I asked scared. God, I watched to much horror movies.

I looked over the counter and let out a piercing scream.


Gif in honor of Zayn joining the storyyy :)

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