Chapter 4; merger & smile

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Chapter 4

I entered the meeting room and got greeted with several, "good morning Miss Jenson."

I nodded my head firmly and placed the documents along with the business plan on the table in front of me.

"So, if we would invest in such company like Enterprises & Co. we wouldn't make much profit out of it except for when we would overtake them and let them change their concepts immediately," I started off.

"They don't have the strategies nor the opportunities to help themselves at this very moment so I was thinking about a merger since without my invests they would go bankrupt in less then two months."

I looked at the people in the room, including the CEO of Enterprises & Co.

He didn't looked so happy about me proposing the idea of a merger between the two companies. "I, of course, will help the company to change their concepts to bring it back to life," I added confidently.

Mr. West, CEO, sighed as he stressful ran his hand through his dark hair. He was around the age of thirty and I accomplished so much more being about seven years younger.

I didn't started Jenson Enterprises but may parents, let's say...didn't had the best concepts and it didn't took them more then three years to finally let me overtake the company. I didn't took me long to make huge and proper investments which led to a massive growing in the last three years.

"I can't do this," Mr. West finally announced. I let out a bitter chuckle, "well then, let's see how Enterprises & Co. will go down. Meeting closed."

I grabbed my documents and slowly put them together since I knew what would come next.

"Miss Jenson?" Took him long enough.

"Yes, Mr. West?"

"Will I be replaced as CEO?" he asked unsure whilst biting on his lower lip.

"Enterprises & Co. will be known as Jenson Enterprises & Co. whilst my employees & I will work through every little contract of yours. I will visit your company and replace positions immediately but if you keep in contact with me and let me handle the important things so there wouldn't be a chance for messing this up...then you can be the CEO but for know I will run the company."

He turned to his side and exchanged his thoughts with the thoughts of his assistant. Some of my employees who were in the room already finished up the contract since it was cleared up 99% that I will overtake Enterprises & Co.

"Where can I sign?" Mr. West finally asked. He sounded so defeated making me grin. I gave one of my employees a firm nod and she handed the contract over to Mr. West.

Good ten minutes later I found myself back in my office looking through the documents Mr. West had left for me. I compared his business plan with mine as I suddenly saw a yellow post-it in my business plan.

Smile ;)

I furrowed my eyebrows as I stared at the note. I jumped up from my seat took the note and stomped out of my office. I slammed the door shut and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

I glared at everyone who passed my way and slammed the door from Mr. Styles office open. He was sitting at his desk without a care in the world. He noticed me and cracked a smile.

"Hello Miss Jenson."

I slammed the door shut and walked closer to him. "Is this supposed to be some kind of joke?" I yelled furiously as I held the note in my hand.

"It's supposed to be a reminder," he explained calmly and stood up as well. "I don't need some stupid reminder," I yelled again and slammed it on his desk.

As fast as I entered the room, I left.

I spotted Sara in front of her office as she was about to walk in. "Sara! Call in a meeting for the merger!" I ordered and slammed the door to my office shut. I plopped down on the leather couch and tried to calm my nerves.

Who does he think he is?

About ten minutes later a heard a knock on the door, "come in."

Sara walked in and I took my usual place in front of my desk. "The meeting will be at 4pm," she informed me and I nodded before I waved her off. She left and I finished some work from yesterday before I had to go to the meeting.

It would be a meeting for the main workers on the merger including Mr. Styles who I would give more work to finish for the merger and maybe with a little luck I'll get him fired for not keeping up with his work.

At 3:58pm I grabbed the documents and the protocol from the meeting this morning and made my way to the conference room where I arrived at 4pm sharp.

As usual everyone greeted me with 'good afternoon, Miss Jenson' and I replied with a short nod as I placed my things on my table.

"As you all probably know Jenson Enterprises will merge or more like overtake Enterprises & Co." I started off the meeting.

"We have to work extra hard on the new concepts of the company and also on the much needed strategies. I would like to have Sara, Mr. Styles & Mr. Horan to accompany me to Enterprises & Co. next Monday so we'll get a first look at their misery."

A few employees chuckled but I glared at them so they would shut up.

"Also we need to test the current employees if they're able to hold my standards which means that we probably have to hire new workers. Alana will be responsible for checking the CVs beforehand after I'll give you a list with things they have to bring with them."

Alana nodded and wrote it down in her little reminder.

"Are there any questions before I start with the concept?" I asked so no one would interrupt me. Alana raised her hand and I gave her a questionable look.

"Will you do the interviews?"

"For now, Mr. Horan & I will do the interviews but I will decide that after I have the number of employees we have to replace," I answered monotonous.

After that I started with the concepts and no one left the room before 6pm.

After the meeting I had to attend a business dinner with Mr. West which I wasn't looking towards to. Shawn drove me to the little restaurant not far from my home or my company.

I saw Mr. West already seated on a table looking out of the huge windows whilst waiting for me with a glass of wine in front of him. I walked into the restaurant and as soon as I stood at the door the whispering and staring began.

I walked past the women with the reservations since I already saw Mr. West.

"good evening, Miss Jenson," he smiled and stuck his hand out for me to shake. Like always, I ignored it and sat down in front of him. He tried some small talk but I didn't wanted to be here so I just ignored some questions or answered with a simple nod.

After we ordered our food I started to fill him in the concepts I had in mind and already discussed with my employees earlier. He seemed hesitant when he didn't liked something but he knew that he didn't had a say in this.

When the food finally got placed in front of me I saw a familiar face sitting only a few tables away from us with a woman probably older then him. Harry Styles.


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