Chapter 8; torture & safe

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Chapter 8

I was a little uncomfortable in my working clothes as I rolled myself into a ball. Maybe I could just ask him if he would borrow me some clothes I could change into. No, I can't do that I'm his boss.


He turned his head to look at me and waited for me to say something. "uhm...never mind," I shook my head and waved his off as I focused back onto the freaking horror movie that was only on for about two minutes.

"what is it, Miss Jenson?" he asked concerned. I let out a sigh, "Zoe."

He was probably the most confused man I've ever seen as I yet again offered him to call me by my first name after I yelled at him when he called me that at work. "do you have comfortable clothes for me?" I asked after a while.

He stopped the movie immediately and nodded, "yea sure."

I followed him into his room and he looked through his closet. I saw a bunch of suits in dark blue, black and different shades of grey hanging in his closet along with dress shoes on the bottom and ties or bow ties in the glass drawer under the suits.

Everything was so neatly placed in his closet that I wished that he did it by himself. Shit! the girl at the restaurant. Was that his girlfriend?

He handed me a shirt and I let out a quiet 'thank you' before I was about to leave his room for me to change. "Harry?" I called as he stopped and looked at me, "yes?"

"the girl at the restaurant?"

"my sister," he laughed and left the room.

Well, that was embarrassing. I changed into his shirt which reached my mid thigh and felt much more comfortable. I placed my clothes on a chair in front of his desk and left to go back to the living room.

"want something to drink?" he asked with his back to me. "yea, a glass of water."

He nodded and poured us each a glass with water. He turned around and froze as he saw me. I snapped my finger annoyingly and glared at him as he snapped out of his trance and handed me the glass.

We sat back down on the couch and I unfolded the blanket since I felt a little cold. I covered myself and Harry played the stupid movie. Watching the movie was pure horror.

After the first five minutes I was already trying to hide myself behind my hands. I felt Harry moving and soon he had placed his arm secure around me, pulling me closer occasionally.

I was snuggled into his side as suddenly the door bell rang and I let out a girly scream. Harry stopped the movie and chuckled before he got up. I held onto his arm and followed him to the door.

I was terrified to say the least.

Harry opened the door and I hid behind him as he payed the delivery man and pulled my back to the couch with a pizza bock placed in his lap. "you seem tense," he pointed out as he opened the carton.

"I hate horror movies," I snapped as he continued to play the movie. It was pure torture. I couldn't even eat so all I did was hiding in Harry's chest until the movie was over.

Suddenly the front door opened making me let out a scream again. "ah dude, you sound like a girl," I heard an Irish accent. Harry started laughing whilst I sighed in relief as I heard the familiar accent.

I heard a gasp and a dragged out 'ohh'.

I turned my head and saw Niall staring at us with his jaw hanging to the floor. "I didn't know, lad that you had...well, a girl over?" he more like asked as he took in what he was seeing.

"It's just for business," I glared at him. "uh huh, sure," Niall nodded and burst out laughing as he probably went to his room. Not even ten minutes later the movie was over and I was trying to proceed what I had seen the past one and a half hour.

"It's already late so you can sleep here tonight. Tomorrow we have a day off anyways," Harry offered making me nod. Well, it was his day off but I actually never have a day off, at all.

"I'll get you a proper blanket so you can sleep on the couch," Harry announced as he stood up. "No!" I literally screamed as I got up as well. "I mean, yea sure."

Harry nodded and left me alone to get a blanket. Oh, Jesus Christ. I hid myself under the little blanket until Harry approached with a bigger and warmer one.

I pulled it over my body and got comfortable.

"good night," Harry called and turned the lights off.

I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled the blanket up until only my eyes where in sight. I opened my eyes widely as I heard some sort of noise. I seriously tried my best to fall asleep but good five minutes later I found myself sprinting towards Harry's room.

I ripped the door open and closed it immediately before I turned around to see Harry standing by his closet in only his brief Calvin Klein boxers.


He smiled warmly at me and said, "make yourself comfortable."

I smiled back and got to the side of his bed where the blanket was missing since I had it around my body. I laid down and soon he was in bed beside me. I tensed as the bed shifted and soon the lights where off.

I rolled my body over and was closer to his face then planned. He opened his eyes again and looked as shocked as I was. I snapped out of my fairy world and rolled back over to avoid awkwardness. To late anyways.

I was just about to fall asleep when an arm sneaked around my waist. I was relieved and soon fell into my dream world where I could do whatever I wanted to.


I woke up at an unknown point of time but realizing that my face was pressed into Harry's bare chest made me fall asleep once again in his arms, safely.

The second time I woke up I decided to get up even though Harry was still asleep. I needed to leave anyways. I gently pulled his arm away from my waist and slipped out of his bed, carefully not to wake him.

I grabbed my clothes from the chair, took a last look at the sleeping beauty and left his room. It was only around 8am so I quickly texted Shawn to pick me up and left the apartment in only a shirt with my coat which I threw over my body.

Soon Shawn pulled up before the building and I quickly got in since it was freezing. "had fun last night, Miss Jenson?" he asked chuckling. "not as much as you would have to get yourself a new job if you won't stop laughing."

He pressed his lips into a thin line and drove off without saying another word.

I arrived at the building a few minutes later and quickly made my way towards my penthouse, hoping that Teresa wasn't there yet.

I let myself in and saw Teresa smirking at me as I turned around. "I assume you where with that boy of yours, Harry?" she asked, well more like stated since I wore a male shirt.

"He's not 'my boy'. He's my employee," I snapped and sprinted upstairs to my room so I could take a long, warm shower since I looked like a mess. I dressed into a pair of leggings and a casual shirt before I made my way back downstairs.

I was incredibly hungry so I immediately stuffed my mouth the with delicious breakfast, Teresa had made for me.

"does he know you left?"


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