Chapter 23; shit & money

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Chapter 23

"I love you," I blurted out.

I clasp my hands over my mouth and jumped out of the bathtub. He didn't said anything, at all. I didn't looked at him so I wouldn't know if he was shocked or disgusted or something.

I took my towel and my clothes before I left the room and locked myself into Harry's room. I dried myself off and went through every scenario that could possibly happen. I got into my pyjama and son heard banging on the door.

"Open up Zoe!"

I stayed put and rubbed my hair with the towel so it would dry a little.


I flinched as he yelled my name. Was he mad?

"Zoe! I swear if you don't open up I'll break the damn door!"

I slowly went to the door and unlocked it to see Harry with an unreadable expression. "Hey," I said innocently. He got into the door and closed the door before he ran his hand through his wet hair and stared at me.

"Why did you leave?" he asked slowly after a minute of uncomfortable silence.

"I'm sorry. I didn't meant to say it, please don't be mad," I begged and his featured softened as I said it. "Zoe...listen, you didn't have to leave. I'm glad you said it and I would be even more happier if you would've stayed because then I could've said it back you know."

I didn't said anything. I was really sorry though and honestly really stupid.

"I love you. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Harry."


I stood nervously by the doorway as Harry and his sister hugged each other. "I missed you, Haz."

"I missed you too, Gem."

"Now introduce me to that pretty girlfriend of yours," Harry's sister said as she grinned at me. "Gemma that's Zoe. Zoe, my sister Gemma," Harry grinned happily as Gemma embraced me in a hug.

"I love your hair," I told her honestly as I looked at her. "Alright Harry, don't dare mess this up with her. I already like her," Gemma said, making me laugh. Harry nodded and came over to drape his arm around my shoulders.

"I didn't said to be clingy dumbass," Gemma rolled her eyes and peeled him off of me before she replaced his arm around my shoulders with hers. "We need to go shopping. You're outfit is so cool."

I agreed and we did a little small talk after she greeted Anne & Robin. We decided on going shopping now since it was around midday and Harry & I didn't know what to do anyways. Without telling Harry, I went to grab my purse before she dragged me outside to her car. "Hey! Give me my girlfriend back!" Harry yelled and ran towards us.

Gemma & I widened our eyes and we bolted to the car as fast as we could. Gemma locked the car as we got in and drove off leaving a frustrated Harry behind. I started laughing so hard as I saw Harry's pout slowly fading as we drove farther away.

On our way she asked me a few question, including uncomfortable ones, which made her burst out laughing as she defended herself by saying that she had to 'question my intention I have with her little brother'.

I sighed in relief as she just joked around and didn't meant to make me feel uncomfortable. We soon arrived at the mall and bought stuff here and there.

"Let's go to that shop," I said and pointed to the shop. Gemma looked at me like I was some random stranger who asked her to marry her. "I have to work for my money I can't shit it out," she said and just then I realized that it was a really expensive shop.

"Uhm, right."

"You have a lot of money," Gemma pointed out as she rubbed her chin in thought. "No, why do you think that?" I asked nervously.

"Aww c'mon. I saw it the moment I saw you. Well, I was definitely sure when you came along with that freaking 10 thousand dollar Givenchy purse!"

I looked away from her burning gaze and felt kinda ashamed for not telling her or Anne. Robin would've never figured out anyway, he's a man after all and Harry wouldn't have either but he knows that I have a huge company running.

"My parents...are uhm, lawyers?"

"Stop bullshitting me Zoe! Just spill the beans I'm getting all excited, geez."

I laughed at her before looking her deeply in the eyes, "Zoe Jenson, CEO of Jenson Enterprises."

Her jaw hit the ground as she stared at me in pure shock. It took her a few minutes before she shut her mouth and pinched herself. "No, freaking way. Harry works for you and I remember him saying that you're a bitch."

"I know, Anne already insulted Harry's boss after I told her that I work with Harry at that company. It's no big deal though I just didn't knew what she would think of me after I would tell her that I'm Harry's boss after all."

"Well, you should tell her. She probably doesn't even care," Gemma shrugged and looked around the mall, probably thinking about in which shop we could go in next.

"C'mon, I'll pay," I announced and dragged her to the expensive shop I wanted to go in. "No, that's a lot of money. Nothing costs less then thousand pounds," Gemma tried to hold me back but it was no use I already dragged her in.

"Find that lady an outfit," I pointed to Gemma who was literally drooling over all the clothes. "for what occasion Miss?" a woman asked Gemma but she was to busy gawking over the clothes. "just casual," I told her and she nodded before dragging Gemma with her.

I grinned and looked for some clothes for myself. I placed the hundreds of bags from me & Gemma down and looked around before taking some things and leaving to try them on.

Good half an hour later I was done for myself and already paid for the few things I decided to buy. I didn't heard much of Gemma so I just assumed that she was okay by herself. I walked to the changing rooms and sat down on the couch in front of them.

Gemma walked out a few times and she was seriously gorgeous in those clothes. "I really like the dress on you," I pointed out making her nod in agreement. "Yea, the dress is awesome."

"alright, would that be it or do you want something else?" I asked as I took the dress from her. "No, no, I'm good," she said but I knew she loved the shoes she had on the whole time. "uh huh, gimme the shoes."

She grinned and handed them to me before I went to pay.


"You didn't have to," Gemma said as we arrived at the house. "I wanted to," I waved her off and got out of the car. Just then the door opened and Harry walked towards us, "what the hell!"

I pressed my lips in a thin line, trying not to burst out laughing.

"You!" Harry pointed at Gemma, "you stole my precious girlfriend."

I could've jumped his bones right here, right now but that wouldn't have been the best idea. "we wanted to go shopping," Gemma defended herself and opened the trunk so we could take our bags out.

I took Harry's hand and pulled him close before I placed my hands on his cheeks, "don't be mad baby." I pressed my lips onto his for a lingering kiss before I pulled away and grabbed my bags.

"I got it," Harry said and took them from me. "geez, thanks Harry," Gemma muttered and struggled to carry her own bags. I took a few from her and she send me a grateful smile.

"oh god, Gemma! I won't give you money anymore if you spend it on shops that expensive," Anne screeched as she took the bag from her and looked inside it. "I'm going to faint."

Gemma looked at me like a lost puppy so I decided to just tell her, "I bought that for her."

Anne stared at me in shock and opened her mouth to talk, "well, I don't know what to say. How could you afford that anyways?"

"I- uhm, I-I'm Zoe Jenson. CEO of Jenson Enterprises..."


Ups sorry I forgot to update.
Anyways, Monday I have a math exam and I will probably fail like I always do but it's my birthday soon yaaay.

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