Chapter 6; dancing & I thought-

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Chapter 6

"good evening Miss Jenson. What a handsome boyfriend you have there," an elderly women said from the table we were about to sit.

I clenched my fists as I glared at her, "he's not my boyfriend."

She looked taken aback by my harsh tone as she turned to her husband who looked just as shocked as her. I sat down and sipped on my champagne in silence.

"can't you just be a little nice?" Harry sighed as he stared at me. I slammed my hands on the table and walked away from him. Before I left the gala I stuffed some bills into the money box since it was a charity event and searched for Shawn.

Soon I spotted him in front of the car and I quickly got in. "already leaving Miss Jenson?" he asked confused as he go into the drivers seat. I nodded and before he could started the engine the door opened and Harry got into the car.

"don't you dare say anything!"

The car ride was silent and soon Harry left the car with a soft 'good night Miss Jenson'.

I clenched my fists as my knuckles turned white. "Drive faster Shawn!" I raised my voice and he did as told. Soon enough I was home and knew that Teresa wasn't there so I let out a frustrated scream.

I slipped out of the dress and into a pair of shorts along with a top before I laid onto my comfortable bed. I rolled over so I could grab my phone from the nightstand but it wasn't there.

My eyes widened as I remembered that I gave Harry my phone. "Shit!" I punched the pillow until I got really exhausted. I wanted to sleep so bad but the door bell kept me from falling into a slumber.

I got up and walked down the stairs to get to the door. I groaned and ripped the door open only to be face to face with Harry. He was dressed in just some sweatpants and a casual shirt. He held up my phone and I took it out of his hand before I wanted to close the door again.

The door wouldn't close so I looked down and saw Harry had his foot in the door keeping me from closing it. "Let me in?" he asked unsure.

I sighed and opened the door wider for him to step in. "What do you want?" I snapped at him as I sat down on the couch and cuddled with one of my pillows. He sat down as well and sighed, "I wanted to apologize."

I shrugged and waved him off. "I'm sorry Miss Jenson," he tried again.


He looked taken aback as I offered him to call me by my first name. "I'm sorry Zoe," he repeated but I stayed silent. "I shouldn't have tested your patience."

"Is this your tablet so you can turn on lights and stuff just by pressing some buttons?" he asked after a while whilst holding the tablet in his hands. "yes," I confirmed his guess.

He was looking through it until suddenly music came on.

You can be my guiding light
Keep me, company in the night

The music echoed through my penthouse and I looked up at Harry who smirked at me. "can I have this dance," he asked grinning. "no, oh dear god. No," I shook my head multiply times but all he did was taking my wrist and helping me up.

He dragged me aside so we would have some space and took my hands in his as he did some weird moves. I laughed as he continued and eventually I joined in.

Giving in to your touch
I can never get enough
Diving deep into the ocean

I let go of his hands and wrapped them around his neck whilst his hands sneaked around my waist. We swayed from side to side without a care in the world and he even made me laugh by goofing around.

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