Chapter 11; leave & mean boss

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Chapter 11

I wasn't sure why I was so angry at him. I mean, we only watched a movie once and slept in one bed together.

There was nothing wrong with him being with that bitch.

I already contacted several companies and warned them about her being a disrespectful bitch. I may have destroyed her future a little bit but she wasn't the best worker anyways.

Harry asked a few times what was wrong but I ignored him like he wasn't even there. I booked another hotel room so I didn't had to see him 24/7. As we arrived at the hotel I gave him ten minutes to dress appropriately before we would went to take a look at my new building.

A driver picked us up and drove us to the building which was close by the hotel.

"Wow," I breathed out as I stood in front of my second building. The bold letters on the top made me proud of myself 'Jenson Enterprises'. It took me a lot of planning and a lot of work to finally be able to expand this huge.

My next goal would be Europe. Somewhere in Europe maybe England for a starter so new employees would speak the same language as me.

I walked into the building and got greeted by the new CEO. "Miss Jenson, what a pleasure," I shook his hand and nodded at him, "good afternoon, Mr. Payne."

"I'm Liam for you, Miss Jenson. And who is this may I ask?"

"Harry Styles," Harry introduced himself to Liam. "an employee of mine," I added harshly. Liam nodded and told us to follow him inside. It was huge but not as huge as the building in New York.

He showed us around and I was truly impressed by the work of all the people who did this whilst I spend months designing and just planning this in general. Suddenly, Harry got a call and excused himself.

"What is it with you and that boy?" Liam suddenly asked. My eyes widened as I stared at him, "nothing. Who do you think you are?"

"c'mon, we talked over the phone for hours the past months and I worked a month at your company in New York. It's not like we didn't quit grow on each other," he grinned and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "we're not friends," I snapped and pushed his arm off of me.

"oh, but I think we are," Liam nodded his head and grinned at me. "I don't have friends," I shook my head several times. "now you do," he announced.

"you're so freaking annoying," I hissed and shot him a cold glare which he didn't mind at all.

Harry came back and looked at me with an unreadable expression yet again. "what?" I snapped and raised my eyebrow at him. "you fired her," Harry stated slowly.

"Who may I ask?" I played like I didn't knew what he meant. "Aria. You embarrassed her by doing it over the inter com. Who does that?"

"I do. She deserved it. She called me a bitch and actually I would've fired you too but I need you to take damn notes," I said through gritted teeth. "That doesn't-"


"what?" he asked utterly confused by my outburst.

"I said leave!" I screamed and pointed towards the doors. He raised his eyebrows and muttered, "fine," before he left. "Do you-"

"Stop it! Just ignore what happened," I waved him off and walked the opposite direction where we actually wanted to go.


Maybe I should just fire him. I mean, having an affair with a co-worker is enough reason to do so. If he wouldn't have applied for this freaking job nothing would've happened and I wouldn't be so angry right now.

I don't even like him.

I made sure that room service brought me my food whilst I just let Harry know over Sara that he could just order what he wanted and that there was no use for us to either go out to dinner or just eat together in general.

The next day on the other hand was stressful because I had a meeting with Liam and everyone else who had high positions in my new building. Unfortunately, I needed Harry to write down what we discussed.

Our plane would take off at 10pm so we had time to spare after the meeting which ended around 6pm. The driver had already picked us up and drove to the hotel with us in the backseats and awkward silence.

"Miss Jenson?"

"What?" I growled and continued to stare out of the window. "Why were you so mad anyways?" he asked slowly, hoping that I wouldn't start screaming at him again.

"I don't tolerant your behavior."

"Why do you care?" he snapped as he raised his voice at me. "First of all, don't you dare use that tone on me and second of all, it's not you I care about or that bitch. I care about my company!"

"I know you care about nothing but work but at least don't be so mean all the time! I've barely seen you smile apart from the two times we met after work! What is it with you playing the mean boss?" he rambled as he stared at me.

My cold expression didn't leave my face as I clenched my fists and got ready to scream into his fucking face. Before that could happen the car stopped and we had arrived at the hotel. I got out and slammed the door shut before I walked past the front desk.

Everyone who dared to even look at me received a cold glare from me. I knew he was walking behind me and probably didn't know if he should say anything else. Even I didn't know what to say.

I slammed the door to my hotel room shut and packed my things. I worked to hard in my life to let him ruin everything.

I needed to punch something but the only thing I really wanted to punch was a few rooms next to mine. I let out a frustrated scream before I punch the first thing in my way which happened to be the flat screen TV in the living room area.

I didn't even noticed the blood that ran out of my hand and the glass piece which hurt like a motherfucker. I sat on the floor and in silence and let the blood drop onto the creme colored carpet.

The pain was unbearable. I examined my hand and took a hold on the glass piece before I ripped it out with a loud cry. Fuck, that hurt!

Tears ran down my face as I sat on the floor of my hotel room without knowing what I was feeling. Every possible emotion ran through my body as I stared blankly onto the wall.

I knock from the door took me back to reality but the last thing I wanted was to open the damn door. The knocking didn't stopped for about five minutes but I couldn't bring myself to get up and face whoever there was.

"Miss Jenson! Please open the door!"

No fucking way Harry Styles.


Gif in honor of Liam being the CEO wohooo

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