Chapter 26

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   "You sure about this, Vic?" Alex asked me for about the hundredth time. We were driving to the cemetery on the edge of town. Alex knew the streets of Baltimore like the

back of his hand, so he was driving. The time on the dashboard read '10:49PM' and it was safe to say I was panicking.

   "Yes, of course. I'm so fucking sure about this. I'm so fucking ready to give this 'James' prick a piece of my fucking mind. You mess with me? Cool. You mess with my loved ones? No, not cool." I ranted furiously. "You have no fucking idea how much that asshole has broken Zoe already! Just think of the damage he could've done in the past couple of weeks. I just- fuck." I fumed, breathing heavily.

We'd filled everybody in on what was happening already. They were freaking out about it but I said I could handle the situation.


   "Hey, I don't know if I'll see you again so..." Alex trailed off awkwardly, and I smiled. Of course he'd be worried. I gave him a quick bro-hug.

   "Well, I'll see you again. And if I don't, well... we played some great shows together," I said, before turning around and walking into the entrance of the cemetery. It was 10:59.

   "Good luck!" I vaguely heard Alex call from off in the distance.

Looking around, I started to feel really unsure. James didn't exactly specify an exact location, so..

I was wandering around aimlessly, wondering where they were, when I stumbled across a freshly dug grave. "What?" I mumbled to myself curiously. I decided to get a better look so I moved closer.

The words 'Vic Fuentes' were crudely written on the tombstone, catching my attention immediately. Oh, shit. I quickly spun around, taking in my surroundings, when I saw them.

There, a little ways away from my makeshift grave, stood James and Zoe. He had one of his arms around her throat and the other held a gun.

The moment she saw me, she started struggling against his hold. "I-It's a t-t-trap." She choked out, tears spilling down her dirty, bruised cheeks. I was going to fucking murder this guy...

   "Let her go, James," I called, standing as tall as possible in an attempt to look intimidating. Curse these Mexican genes for making me so short. I don't know how well it worked but whatever. I tRIED. "We made a deal, so let her go."

He just smiled cruelly at me. "Ah, but did you follow my directions?" I nodded my head, and he narrowed his eyes at me. "Whatever you say, Vic." He said, shrugging, and raised the gun.

   "Wait," I said cautiously, trying to bargain with him. "I have a deal."

He raised a brow, so I continued. "Uh, you let her go, right? But don't kill me just yet. Let me at least get her to the tour bus, back to safety, yeah? And then, after that, I'm all yours." I spoke nervously, eyes wide. I didn't want him to hurt her or anything, and I know that if he kills me tight now then her safety won't be guaranteed.

Zoe's expression just killed me inside. She looked so lost, so broken, so dead. Her body wasn't the same as it used to be; now it was full of bruises, scrapes, and dried up blood. Tears poured down her cheeks and she kept shaking her head like No, don't do this!

   "Hmm..." James appeared to be thinking about it. "Nope, I like my idea better." And with that, he pulled the trigger and shot me.

   "No!!" Zoe screamed, struggling against James' hold.

Me? Well, you know how it feels when you're full of adrenalin? You can't feel anything, am I right? I didn't feel anything.

I gingerly touched my shoulder and swore. It stung like a motherfucker. I could only imagine how bad that would hurt later, but I was in the present right now.

   "I'm not dead yet!" I teased, before I saw him let go of her.

But that's when everything went wrong. My entire plan went to shit when I heard another voice off in the distance.

   "Vic, where the fuck are you?!" Alex yelled out, and I freaked out.

   "Let go!!" Zoe shrieked, going completely apeshit as she tried to get away from James who'd grabbed her again.

I could hear the sirens off in the distance now and I silently cursed Alex. That fucking douche canoe!

James simply smiled at me before he pulled out a switch blade, flipped it open, and stabbed Zoe in the stomach, just below her ribs. He let go of her and stepped away now, grinning at me.

Time stood still as Zoe's eyes grew wide. She looked down at herself before grabbing the handle of the blade. Oh, no fucking way o.o

Seeming to take a deep breath, she ripped the knife out of herself. Holy shit, talk about balls.

   "I warned you, Fuentes. I fucking warned you," James's condescending tome of voice whispered into my ear before I heard the sound of someone either approaching or running away or both.

I ran over to Zoe as she gasped and held her stomach. Blood was now pouring out of it in rivers, never stopping, and I started crying.

   "I just-" she collapsed, ready to hit the ground, but I caught her before she could. A look of pain was plastered to her face. "F-Fucking Christ," Zoe started coughing, blood seeping from her mouth. Her green eyes stared into mine confusedly, as if she didn't know what was happening.

   "Zoe," I cried, holding her close to me. "Zoe, you can do this, we can do this.." I choked out urgently.

   "Holy titty fuck!" Alex exclaimed, catching sight of the two of us. "Fuck fuck fuck," he mumbled, sounding horrified. "I came as fast as I could, an ambulance should be here any minute-" he continued rambling but I tuned him out.

   "Z-Zoe, I fucking l-love you, okay? Please, stay with me. Promise you'll stay with me." I told her, my vision blurring as I watched her die.

She weakly nodded her head. "Y-You can b-bet your ass I love y-you m-m-more." She whispered almost inaudibly before her eyes fluttered closed. Her body went limp in my arms.

   "No," I whispered, my eyebrows furrowing. "No, Zoe, no!" I cried, my eyebrows furrowing. "Zoe, please! Zoe, listen to me, please, please, Zoe, please!" I begged, trying to get her to stay with me. "Y-You promised, Zoe, you fucking promised to stay with me! Please, don't leave, please,"

I lifted up my head and looked to Alex, scared. "A-Alex, get help, please," I whimpered between sobs. My shoulder was starting to hurt, pretty badly might I add, but I was ignoring it. He just looked back at me sympathetically before running off.

I looked back at Zoe sobbing uncontrollably. I wiped some of the dirt off of her face and tucked her over-grown fringe behind her ear. I leaned down and kissed her good bye before I stood up.

I made it a couple feet before I, too, collapsed to the ground and blacked out.

*sob* I hope you enjoyed the latest installment of STTOKR. I sure as hell didn't enjoy writing it ;-;
Comment what you want to happen next- is Zoe dead or alive?!
That, readers, is up to you.
Have a good day, guys

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