What's That Supposed To Mean? - Werewolf Romance

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Hey, guys.

Here it is: the remake of "Together, No Matter What". A lot is rewritten so give it a chance! :)


UPDATE 2015: I've noticed that a lot of you readers get confused about the whole "Uncle John" thing and I realize that I did write it a bit confusing, so just to clear it up:
"Uncle" John is Samantha's father's BEST FRIEND. Since they have been best friends all their life, John has been like a second father to Samantha and therefore she calls him "Uncle John" but they are in no way RELATED.
Thanks :) enjoooy and I want to thank you for all the amazing support!

Chapter 1

Samantha Riley

I hugged my mother, squeezing her into me. I would never forget these five years I had spent with her, She had taught me everything I needed - especially the things my father couldn't teach me about being a woman - as I was growing up to become a young woman. She had also told me everything I needed to know about werewolves.

Yes, we are werewolves. My parents got divorced when I was almost one year old. My mother and my father aren't mates; they both lost their significant other in a war between different packs over twenty years ago. They both knew each other and after a while they fell in love, got married and had me.

My dad had told me things about the werewolf life as well before I left, but only now that I was older did I understand it all better. Oh, my dad. I missed him so much. When I called him two weeks ago to tell him I was coming back, he couldn't stop laughing and I could practically hear his smile.

The reason I had left in the first place was because I wanted to meet my mother, to get to know her. I was twelve when my father finally agreed on letting me go, but neither of us knew that a one month visit would become five years. I was angry at my mother for leaving me and my father so early - or at all, for that matter - but I felt like I had to at least know her, so I went. I liked the way life was different there. I got some friends and everything was just so big and new and it made me go for the decision to stay with her there.

I know, it was a pretty mean thing to do; my father wasn't very happy about it at first, but I think he was mostly sad. I can't blame him though; I was his only child. He had raised me by himself with some help from my Aunt Bianca, his sister. He heard I was staying with my mother, who had left us, and it upset him. He had many reasons to be and I felt like an asshole for doing that to him. But I knew it wasn't anything permanent with my mother.

I mean, of course, I had been touch with my father ever since I left, but coming home was different for both of us. I knew he needed me and I needed him, too. I got to know my mother, yes, but my dad was the one who had been there from the beginning, giving up everything just for me. He worked hard to put food on the table, to support his family and give me as much as he could. Not to mention, he was the Alpha of his pack which was even more hard work since there were many attacks and complications back then.

Being seventeen, I realized that my father wasn't getting younger and I had to - wanted to - get back and take care of him. He had done enough for me; even letting me go to a mother I never knew and live in New York. I would never forget that he gave me that opportunity even though it hurt him so much.

"Call me when you get there, Samantha, alright?" my mother said, tears building up in her eyes. I was saying goodbye after five years and I wasn't sure I was coming back for so long anymore. I wasn't sure I was coming back at all. But I had to come see her sometime.

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