Chapter 23

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It's been a couple days of straight up training, I haven't seen Andy for days. Him and I sit there and text eachother. That's the most we have talked.

Today was the day were I have a break and I'm able to lay down in the comfort of my bed and relax. I enjoyed these days. They were nice.

Andy sent me a reply back to my last text, 'date night tonight?  It'll be our first date..'

I laugh at the text amd reply back, 'is this you asking me on a date or suggesting that we have a date?'

He replies within moments, 'ism asking you on a date, me, you date tonight at 8? Be there?'

I laugh and roll my eyes, it was already 6:30, I got up once to use the bathroom and eat something then went straight back to bed, why not? 'Yeah sure :)'

He then texts me back, 'ok, be ready by 7:30, promise you I'll be there by then :D'

I laugh, 'okay'

I get up out if my bed and brush my hair, I then get another text from him, 'dress nice ;)' I roll my eyes setting my phone back down.

I walk to my closet picking out a dress (UP TOP ^^) I then set it out on my bed finding a matching pair of shoes and jewelry.

My grandmother walks in, "hey dear..." she stops in her tracks, "what are you doing?"

I laugh, "Andy is having a date night tonight.. so yeah" I laugh, my grandmother joins in.

"I was just going to ask you if you wanted a cookie but I guess not, have fun" she laughs.

She then closes the door and I get back to getting ready. I loosely curl my long chestnut brown hair and let it flow to my shoulders.

Then I walk over to put my makeup on, by the time I was done putting makeup on and doing my hair it was 7:10.

I put my dress on zipping it up in the back, then putting on my shoes and jewlary, then I fix my hair and makeup, I put perfume and deodorant on. I check myself in the mirror. I looked pretty good.

"Jay! Andy is here!" My grandmother called, I quickly grabbed my phone, clutch and my money and sling it over my shoulder making my way down to him.

My grandfather was out with the gang getting drinks with most of em, so Andy didn't have to worry that much about him.

Andy stood at the doorway inside while nan talked to him. He was dressed up in a black suit and tie, he even got the fancy shoes to. This  oy can dress to impress.

He looked amazing in the suit, it made his chocolate brown eyes stand out. My nan was talking to him when all his focus left her and went to me.

I stood on the stair case, he went from a simple smile to a huge smile that was pretty much from ear to ear. My grandmother notices the loss of focus and turns around.

She walks tworads me with a smile on her face, "who knew my granddaughter could dress up so beautifully" my grandmother says blissfully.

I laugh, "thanks nan."

She smiles and I walk over to Andy, I knew if my grandmother wasn't in the room he'd probably be drooling. I can tell by his facial expression.

"Jade, you look fantastic."

I laugh, "and you look as handsome as ever" I pinched his cheek and he laughs.

"Turn turn turn! I want a picture of this adorablness!" My grandmother shouts and I laugh.

He sets his hand on my waist and I set mine on his back.

"Now mister! Watch where those hands are going! If you touch her inapropriately then I'll cut off whatever did!" My grandmother threatens and I laugh.

She takes a picture and smiles at it. I give my grandmother a hug and leave with Andy, we walk out the door with my grandmother shouting, "remember what I said!" Him and I both laugh.

He get into his car, which I'm guessing was his mother's car because it definitely wasn't that old truck of his, no, this was a Cadillac DTS, this was a beaut.

He opens the door and I sit in the passengers side, he then closes the door for me.

He walks over to the drivers side of the car and opens the door sitting down inside, he starts the car and we drive off.

I wanted to make a chapter that helps them seem more together then hanging out and staying at there house and stuff...

Shipping it?

What would there ship name be anyways??


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