Chapter 1.

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Ariella Faure

"Ariella!" My co-worker Sarah semi- yelled from across the counter. "A couple just walked in. Do you think you could show them to their seat and give them some menus?"

"Yeah, sure thing," I rushed over to them and escorted them to a booth. "Here are your menus. Can I start you two off with something to drink?"

They nodded and begin to quote a list to me as I smiled politely at them, ignoring the throbbing pain in my feet as I wrote it down.

"Alright, I'll be right back with those and hopefully by then I can see if you're ready to order," I walked to the back to make the drinks, and as I did Sarah sauntered past me again.

 "Ariella, more people," she whispered and nodded towards the line.

"I can't multi task; isn't my relief supposed to be here?" I questioned, but only got shoulder shrugs as a response.

Pressing my teeth together, I brought the drinks back to the couple and was about to seat more people until they stopped me. "Uh, miss, we're ready to order."

I let out a 'whoosh' of breath and took down their orders before placing them on the ticket holder for the chef. Surely, they would later complain about my attitude, but the ache in my feet didn't allow me to care.

"Hey, excuse me, I haven't ordered yet," a mother with her son yelled. Boy, can I not wait to find a new job and get the hell out of here.

"I'll be right with you, " I responded, calmly.

I approached a man in the waiting area who had been waiting for a while. He had dirty blonde hair and was fairly well built as he wore a grey suit with a blue tie.

We didn't get many like him often. I escorted him to a seat as well as handed him a menu.

"Can I get you a drink?" I offered, with a smile.

"I'd like a coffee, dark, " he told me, returning my gesture with boyish charm. I nodded and was about to walk off until he continued. "And no need to go back and forth. I don't have that kind of time. Just get me an egg and cheese omelette, thank you."

"A man, who likes to get right to it," I nodded, aiming to seem impressed. "I'll have that out for you."

I put the order on the rack and decided to have a seat as Sarah would most likely get the next people seated.

"Tired?" The chef asked, the corners of his lips pulling back sympathetically. I nodded in response, and after a few minutes, he handed me Mr. Business Man's order.

I walked it over to him and sat it down. He was in the middle of drinking, and I noticed he tried to quickly swallow what he had in his mouth before I could walk away. "Hey, you look tired out. Why don't you take a break and sit with me?"

I shook my head and let out a small laugh. "Oh, no thanks. I can't do that now. I have to go-"

"If you don't I'll be a very unhappy customer and I know you don't want that," he pouted, jokingly.

Hesitantly, I gave a sharp nod and hastily sat down in front of him, trying to look everywhere except at him. I don't like to watch people while they eat. I looked down at my watch and sighed when I saw I was supposed to be able to clock out fifteen minutes ago. I tapped the table with my fingers, awkwardly, until I felt a cold hand over mine.

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