Chapter 20.

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"It was great doing business with you, Dante. " The deal was done.

A weight the size of Thailand's Grand Palace had been lifted off my shoulders as I shook Pravat's hand.

"See, Nicholas only did that because he knows you're handling business here, but SEO has always come out on top," Roland grinned with an arm placed on my shoulder.

I laughed and shook my head at myself. I allowed myself to believe Sinagon actually posed a threat.

It was one time.


My father slipped up.

It costed SEO thousands to make go away.

But unluckily for Nicholas Fausti, I am not my father.

I admit, I may have some.. issues.

However, nothing I can't keep under control for the most part.

It should be understandable considering I go from one problem into the next.

If it's not Nicholas, it's someone else.

For example, I have sealed the deal with Mr. Chi, but if Maria doesn't manage my relationship with his company than we'll be right back in square one.

I hadn't checked on Maria, I don't even know if she ever came back after I gave her the day off.

Perhaps I'd call her before Ariella and I leave. Doing it tonight will only cause unnecessary commotion that I could do without.

As I left the building of SEO, I met Daichi out in the front. He bowed at me, respectfully before opening the car door.

I thanked him before stepping in as he closed the door behind me. I told him once before that he didn't have to open doors for anyone, but he insisted anyhow.

I was no stuck-up CEO as everyone presumed me to be. Yes, I might have arrogance, but I'm very much a regular person just like anyone else.

A CEO wasn't something I strived to be in the first place. It was passed down to me by my father and there was no room for denying the fortune five hundred company he had built from the ground up, but could no longer be a part of.

The car came to a halt and Daichi rushed out to open my door. I sighed, but waited nonetheless. Waiting for him made me feel like a little kid who wasn't capable and on our next ride he'd surely change that.

As I stepped out and straightened my suit jacket he begin to speak. "May I ask how miss Faure is doing?"

"She's doing fine, Daichi." He smiled and bowed again at my response, showing me the top of his white-colored hair. "You are free to come up and see her if you'd like."

"Oh, no, if she is sleeping I do not want to wake her. Perhaps I could tommorow." It was only eight, but I accepted his response, nodding.

After dueing him a good night, I headed to the room to see my Ariella.

I had been looking forward to seeing her almost the entire meeting.

Earlier, I had left her so quickly I hadn't even told her goodbye or got at least one last glimpse of her.

Her smile.

Her eyes.

My chest became light, knowing I was only feet away from seeing them again.

My hand touched the door knob and as it opened my brows furrowed.

My ears met the sound of slow, yet bass filled music playing through a speaker.

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