Chapter 12.

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"Have you lost your damn mind?" The door to my office opened as I made sure my computer firewall was secure. I knew it could only have come from one person otherwise they'd be fired on the spot.

"Come again?" I raised an eybrow at my PA, Karina as i continued. I was waiting on Percy from my IT department, but I didn't have time.

"You can't just up and fly to Thailand!" She said, walking infront of my desk.

"Who can't?" I replied, not bothering to look up at her.

She deeply sighed, knowing that I'd do what I wanted regardless of anything she'd say. She knew I didn't just do things for no reason. There was always a purpose. "You could have atleast let me know ahead of time. I had to hear it from Madeline. I have to arrange a plane ticket and concierge. It doesn't just happen in five seconds. And I'm guessing i'm the one you're leaving here to keep SEO in check, right?"

She was right. I understood it probably would have been smarter to let her know I'd be going the minute I decided, but I was a tad distracted at the time. "You don't have to arrange anything. I'm taking my jet. Just make sure it's prepared for two."

"Two?" She asked, following me as I stood up and walked out of my office to find Percy.  I was sure I did a good job at checking if it was secure, but I was no expert in that department.

"Yes, two," I glanced over at Ariella's desk and her chair was empty. I guess she had taken my offer. Smart. "Myself and Ariella Faure."

"The intern?" I could hear the confusion in her voice. "Why is she going with you?"

"Just do as I say, Karina," I walked down the hall to the tech department and he sat at his computer updating Limited's website. "Thank you."

"I could do that, Dante, but it'd only make me a bad assitant," She uttered. I told Percy to come and check the firewall and he complied. Why couldn't she be as compliant? "I'm smart enough to know there's no use for an intern on a business trip to seal a partnership. So, why is it that you trust this woman enough to bring her along?"

"Stop questioning me and do your job." I had no answer for her question. Why did I trust Ariella? It wasn't a matter of trust. It was a matter of she had something I needed and I was going to get it. I wouldn't have guessed she'd be a spy. Surely, the competition is smarter than to send a beautiful woman to snoop around on a fucking intern computer. 

"Fine, don't look at me when she turns out to be another Jesse Vica." I watched her as she walked out. I tried my best not to let her remark get to me. She knew exactly how to push my buttons and she knew I wouldn't fire her.

"Alright, Mr. Acosta, everything is safe and secure," Percy said, bringing my attention back to my computer.

I sent him off with a nod and leaned against the wall to speculate my decision. Was I making a wise choice to bring Ariella with me? Had I let my emotions get the best of me?

Even if Maria was still an option, I'd never extend that offer to her. It was strictly fuck and go. What was so different about this woman?

I was yet to figure it out, but I made a promise to myself to do so before this trip is over.

Because she's undoubtedly fucking coming.

And if all goes well—in more ways than one.

The next morning I got Ariella's address from her work file and my limo driver stopped to pick her up.

He opened the door for me and I gave him a nod, letting him know he needed not to stand outside and wait for me.

I walked into the lobby and to the elevator, recalling her door number.

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