Chapter 52.

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For weeks we searched for Maria. Looking for any credit card purchases, any surveillance SEO had connections with, any friends we knew she'd contact, but there was nothing.

No one had seen her, she just dissappeared off the grid.

Today was the day that Ariella was going to be able to go home, and I regreted that I couldn't find Maria sooner. It's obvious that Ariella is on edge about something, but I can't really tell if it's because of this.

It seemed her memory had slightly returned, but she told the same story. She "slipped" down the stairs because she had heard the doorbell ring. However, the look in her eyes told otherwise and I wished to know why she would hide it from me, but nonetheless, I nodded, silently.

The doctor came in with more news just as excitedly as he'd been the first time he had. According to him: everything looked good and the both of them were healthy enough to leave.

The moment he had said the words, I was already standing up and getting ready to leave. I could tell Ariella no longer had a major chest pain, but however had developed morning sickness.

I figured it was something she had ate inside of this disgusting place, but she continued to shake her head in response every time she made the usual trip to the bathroom. I couldn't wait to take her somewhere real food is served once I could get her out of here.

I saw no difference in her besides the small bump that represented her progression in 5 weeks was now present on her stomach. It was the first real proof of a baby I had ever gotten and my heart did fucking somersaults.

Her moods were off as well, needing me more often, and admittedly it was kind of adorable. Unless she was on the negative side of her mood swings which, luckily, Maddie did not have to stay for.

Donatello had only left for a few days and then things went back to normal after I'm sure the wild couple had their make-up sex. I asked Donatello what had made him leave so abruptly but he just shrugged it off as just an everyday problem.

Surely, it was something with his club that could easily be solved and I couldn't say I didn't understand due to my previous trip to Thailand.

After holding it off for so long, I had finally gotten these pills that Ariella convinced me would be good for me. I took them only once and after decided they didn't work, but she didn't need to know that. The bottle, however, remained in the bag I had brought with me to the hospital filled with something for Ariella to change into and a few other things.

I found myself looking down at it as I held it in my hand, preparing to leave, when suddenly, a pillow kissed my face.

"Dante, are you even listening to me?"

I looked up at an irate Ariella and I immediately tried to remember what she had said, but nothing came to me. So to spare her feelings, I lied. "Yes, angel. I am listening to you."

"Then, what did I say?" She sent me a flat look as her arms folded and I tried to think of something she might actually say, mentally facepalming at the fact that I didn't think of that question.

I stared at her, mutely, my confusion evident.

"Dante," she scolded with a groan.

"All right, I wasn't listening, " I admitted before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "But what ever it is, we will do it."

She stared at me for a second with hopeful eyes and bit her lip in hesitation of saying her next words as I waited, patiently. "So you agree to stay at my place with me?"

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