Chapter 17.

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My eyes opened slowly and I smiled to see the sun shining through the window.


I lazily turned on my other side and when my eyes opened again they met Dante's.

His face was close to mine, his eyes staring at me like he had been studying me.

My eyes widened as I gasped and quickly rolled off the bed, wrapping myself in the white sheets.

"Good morning, Ariella," he smiled at me.

He was shirtless, wearing only black Nike basketball shorts and matching flip flops.

His hair was wet as if he had just come from the shower.

"Mr. Acosta, what are you-" I started, but he cut me off as he stood up.

"I think we're well past the casualties, Ariella." He turned to the towel sitting on the night stand, revealing his back to me, causing a short intake of breath on my part.

My eyes met the ones of a tiger. It seemed to be graveling on a dirt road. It covered an entire half of his back.

Just as quick as I had seen it, it was gone as he turned towards me again, drying his hair.

His eyes met my wide ones and he looked confused at me, tilting his head. "Now is deffinetly not the time to be scared of me after last night, Ariella."

Last night?

My eyes went underneath the covers.

I was shocked to see I was naked as I quickly looked back up at Dante, the memories finally coming to me.

"Y-you.." I stuttered.

There was no way I was sleep talking then.

"I what?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. "What did I do to you, gattina?"

"N-nothing," I said, too embarrased to say it, standing up with the blanket still wrapped around me.

"Nothing?" He looked phased as he placed a hand over his heart dramatically. "Way to wound my ego."

"No, that's not what I- I meant- you," I said, trying to fix it, until I heard his laugh.

"I get it, I get it," He said, putting a hand up to stop me. "Look, you should probably get dressed. I want to take you to see the beach after you eat."

He stopped his teasing of my child-like mind and I was thankful. I nodded and walked over to my suitcase, grabbing my black swimsuit then walking to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, using my Sweet Pea body wash. I couldn't believe what I had done with Dante the night before.

What Dante had done to me. Mentally and physically.

It was like I was his puppet and he controlled the strings like no one else could.

I didn't know what this meant. Perhaps nothing and I was simply blowing it out of proportion, but there was still no way to tell.

And no way I was going to ask Dante.

I walked into the kitchen space to see pancakes covered in exotic fruits and my eyes lit up.

After quickly scoffing them down along with orange juice I looked around the room for him.

I found the door to the balcony open and followed the source of the hot wind coming from outside.

I walked out and smiled as my eyes met him. His hands on his waists as he looked out. And the tiger tattoo on his back looked even better in the reflection of the sunset.

This was only the second time I had seen it, considering I mostly only saw him in suits.

He was yet to notice my presence, but I was thankful. It'd allow me more time to gaze. Also, I didn't want to distract him and ruin such a peaceful moment.

My eyes then moved to the small of his back. I felt a sudden urge to touch him. The feeling hit me like a wave. I wanted to -No, I needed to.

He guided me last night, but I wanted a chance to hold the reigns. Maybe i'd experiment with that another night.

I walked closer, being careful not to make a sound or be my usual clumsy self.

Can I, I asked him in my head.

I didn't wait for a response because I knew I wouldn't get one. Of course, it would be different if this man belonged to me. But sadly, he didn't. He is my boss. And I, his intern.

He should be here with a woman as powerful as he is, but yet he's here on what was supposed to be a business trip with me.

The sudden thought made my heart drop. What a way to ruin a good mood.

Even if I were to his standards I had believed relationships weren't my thing, anyways. Not because I actually preferred being alone, but because I felt I wouldn't be very good at it.

I knew what it was like to love someone, but I didn't know what the real point of it was. I had tried it once or twice, but they both ended the same way.

I over thought a lot. I could never voice my real feelings, afraid it would taint how people see me. Weak. Imperfect. Tainted.

Who could I really trust with feelings like that?

I realized I was over thinking this moment, as I did all moments.

Don't think about the future or past for once Ariella. Just think about the now, I told myself.

And in the now, I am in Thailand with Dante Acosta.

I continued my advance to him, my boss. I reached my hand out and jerked it back when he moved, afraid he had realized I was standing here.

I held my hand securely to my chest and my eyes squeezed shut as he leaned over the balcony. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

It's okay, I reassured myself, although the thought sounded more like Dante's voice than mine.

This time I made sure I was going to touch him. I focused in on the untattooed side of his upper back. And reached for it. My hand touched it and his warmth immediately traveled through me, making me feel light inside.

He was smooth, chiseled, and tone, as I expected him to be. I couldn't remember the last time I had actually connected with a man. Or maybe I could, but didn't really want to.

He slowly turned around at my touch. A look of serenity was written all over his face and I couldn't help but smile as my hands went down and joined together.

How I ended up here with someone so beautiful and opposite of myself. I didn't know. But I do know I never want to leave.

"Well, hey there gorgeous. " He smiled back with his forearms still laid on the balcony, not bothering to stand up fully.

"I'm sorry I ruined your view," I said, looking down and fiddling with my fingers.

"Ahh, it's okay," He said, coolly. His arm snaked around my waist and gently pulled me closer, before his hazel eyes met my blue ones.

"I think I found a better one."


Hihihi hope you enjoyed the chapter and we can start the week off right with the power of positivity. That sounds cheesy yikes, but it's Monday! So I hope this chapter helps you atleast get through today and we cross the bridge of tommorow when we get to it. P.s this chapter was longer than my usual chapters so I did some editing and a piece of it (Nicholas' POV) is back on chapter 16. Sorry, don't hit me \(°~°)/

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Much love, A.

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