Letter to Myself: Valentine's Day.

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February 14th, "Valentine's Day."

Dear Ariella,

Yes. Today was supposed to be about flowers, chocolates, teddy bears, and proposals. But as I know you are aware, today was much different.

Instead of flowers — which are meant to represent promises, hopes, and new beginnings, you recieved shattered dreams, solitude, and indignity from the one whom you thought you loved.

Instead of chocolates to represent love and commitment, you forcefully watched as your spouse proved his infidelity while you held the lump in your throat as punishment for politely smiling at another man.

Instead of teddy bears to symbolize security and companionship, you had to undergo physical, gut-wrenching pain and lonliness from the one whom you thought loved you.

And rather than a proposal, you were greeted with the true, terrifying depth of a tainted love story. As you laid next to the once beautiful, cheerful man, you wonder how someone with such appearance could be so cruel. So heartless; unlovable. How someone could take and never give. And even when there is nothing left, keeps taking.

How the once sweet Daniel could change from caring to possessive. From considerate to overprotective. From loving to demanding. From kind.. to a monster.

You ignored all the signs, even if Maddie had pointed them out first. Oh, how I wish things could go back to the way they were when we first met.. But I know that that will never be.

So on this day, you lay with his arm wrapped around you as a band of steel — prisoner to his every desire — with a promise to yourself. The promise of an escape, an escape to a place where there is real love and you recieve none of the above. You are not ruined, you are not broken. He may have your body and mind, but he cannot have your soul. And he most certainly.. can't have your heart.

I hope by the time you read this letter you have found it. Your escape —your love. Maybe even your saviour. One who can undo what the devil has done, one who shows you your worth, and values you like no other. One who is NOT only your weakness, but your strength.

One who understands why your eyes rather remain on the ground than up, but encourages you to hold your head high, anyway. One who never bends you to his will. One who gives instead of takes. One who loves you for everything and every flaw that you are.

The one you want to marry and start a family with. I hope he makes you smile. I hope he makes you laugh. I hope he gives you that warm and tingly feeling inside whenever you hear his name. I hope your heart smiles whenever he is near. I hope he rebuilds what has been destroyed. I hope you work through your problems together like every normal couple should. He will honor you and you will honor him.

I hope he is your light rather than your darkness.

This you deserve.

Him as your King and you, his Queen.

Then, you will have your new beginning.

He will find you, angel.

This I promise you.

Just wait for him.

As I am sure, he is waiting for you.

And until you find eachother, I want you to live each day as if it was your last, love yourself first, value the things you have rather than be ungrateful, and show everyone love. Because life is much too short to hate.

There are more times to come where you will cry, where you will break and may even doubt yourself.

I know it is hard, but you are doing amazing at moving forward one step at a time. And I am proud of you.

You are stronger than you think you are and a hell of a lot more interesting than you give yourself credit for.

Do what makes you happy.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Love, yours truly.


This was simply just something to post and a little bit of insight on Daniel. In case you are confused, this letter is past tense. Something she wrote to her future self when she was with Daniel. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone, even if you are single, trust you are not alone. I'd send all of you holographic flowers if I could.

Enjoy your day as you should everyday and thank you for everything you have done for me as well.

I never thought I would get this far, but y'all proved to be some real ones!!


Much love, A. ❤

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