Chapter 13.

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My eyes opened to a really bright light.  I squinted trying to adjust. When my vision cleared I saw the sky and smiled, about to shut my eyes again.

Wait, I don't have a window.

The thought registered and I jumped up. I looked around, only to discover I was alone on a plane.

When the fuck did I-

I looked on my lap to see an all black faux fur blanket. I ran my hand over the soft texture feeling the smoothness against my skin.

There's no way I could afford this, let alone an entire jet to myself. I looked underneath the covers to see I still wore my night gown.

Did I sleep walk here? Surely, someone would have woke me up. No one would fly a random strang-

Is anyone flying the plane? I suddenly thought with wide eyes.

I stood up and hugged the blanket close to keep the cold air from pricking my skin.

As I grabbed on the doorknob and begin to open the door to the pilot's den, I heard two distinct male voices and I froze.

Did they know I was here? They had to have seen me sleeping on the seat. They were nice enough to give me a blanket, but couldn't have been too nice if they took me on a flight without my consent.

And let's not even begin to focus on the fact that I have a fear of heights.

The door opened and I gasped. He smiled at me and said something I couldn't quite understand.

"Um, can you tell me why I'm here?" I asked. He looked at me, confused. He spoke something unintelligible again and reached for me. I instinctively backed away quickly. Before I knew it my feet tangled in the furry cloak and I was tumbling backwards.

I closed my eyes tightly, preparing to hit the ground.

—Except I didn't.

Large arms enveloped me and I scarcely moved away from them back towards the pilot's door.

I looked at the man from the feet on up. He was wearing a black suit and my eyes widened when I got to his face.

It was no other than Dante Acosta. He gave me a confused look, as he dried his hands with a napkin. I assumed he had just come from the bathroom. "W-what am I doing here?"

"Ahh, I knew you were drunk," He nodded his head towards the pilot, dismissing him before walking over to the mini bar and pouring a glass of champagne.

Drunk? I questioned myself.

Dante grabbed a water bottle from the beige cooler, that matched everything else in the jet.

He walked over to me and issued it towards me. I was too confused to take it and he raised an eyebrow. "Do you not remember what happened last night?"

"Last night?" I repeated after him, not aware of what he was talking about.

"Yeah, you were pretty wild," He smirked, walking up to me. The back of his hand connected with my cheek, in a gentle way and he charmingly gazed into my eyes. "But that was only half the fun, kitten."

I frantically searched my head, trying to remember, but all I got was a memory of me being lifted onto Dante's shoulder as I was half asleep.

I wasn't drunk, but could he have..

"Relax, relax," Dante finally spoke up. "I'm only kidding. We are on our way to Thailand. You weren't exactly ready to go so I had to carry you out. You claimed you weren't drunk, but seeing as your memory is shit, I'm starting to second guess your honesty, Ms. Faure."

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