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Staying in the Martin household was relaxing amidst all the chaos. Lydia always made sure that I was comfortable and her mom was very understanding of letting me stay with them. I made sure not to take it for granted as I helped clean dishes and do work around the house. Though I was enjoying the company, I wanted no more than to be out looking for Dad and Bubba.

Aunt Izzy, Aunt Clary, Uncle Jace, and Uncle Simon had arrived 2 days ago. Dad and Bubba have been missing for 5 days. 

At first, I ran on fumes trying to track them but all of my efforts were futile. I began to slow down, my schoolwork slipped and soon everything seemed to be in a downward spiral. My eating habits were deteriorating and Lydia was becoming worried; I felt like everything was slipping between my fingers and I couldn't help it.

"Savannah, you have to eat something." Lydia placed the plate of buttered toast in front of me. We were sitting at the breakfast nook, still clad in our pajamas. Senior ditch day had some perks.

I shook my head and pushed the plate back towards her. She sighed and stood from her seat across from me and moved to sit next to me.

She picked up the toast and placed it against my lips.

"Open your mouth and eat the toast." She said, her eyes full of determination.

I held her gaze and finally gave in. I parted my lips and took a bite of the toast. The only sound in the kitchen was that of me chewing the toast and Lydia encouraging me to finish it.

I finished the toast and drank a glass of water, it felt wrong. Here I was, eating and drinking while my parents were who knows where probably starving and exhausted. The thought made me sick, quickly the toast began to make its way back up my throat. I pushed away from the table and ran to the bathroom. I heard Lydia push her chair back hastily and pad after me.

By the time I pulled the toilet seat up, the toast made it's exit. The acidic vomit burned my throat and tears sprung into my eyes. Lydia was soon behind me, holding back my short strands of hair and rubbing soothing circles in my back.

I coughed as the last of the contents of my stomach were flushed down the toilet. I leaned back and Lydia cradled me in between her legs and wrapped her arms around me. She had wet a towel and passed it to me. I wiped my mouth then threw the towel into the sink. We sat on the cold tile floor while I pulled myself together.

Lydia decided to break the silence,

"I know you feel like things are falling apart, but you have me. I'm here along with the pack, your aunts and uncles are doing all they can to find your dads, and you're safe. You need to take care of yourself, so when your dads come home you can be in good health to greet them." She spoke in a whisper, as if being too loud would make me break.

I slowly nodded and leaned my head back into her. She was holding me close to her, and I didn't want to move.

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered, my voice a little hoarse.

I felt her tense slightly as she hummed her response.

"Last week at Scott's house, that night. Do you remember what happened?" I asked. The timing couldn't have been worse. She had just watched me vomit, my dads were missing, but I had to know. This information could ground me and give me something to hold onto.

"Yeah," she said uncertainly.

"Why?" The question hung in the air. I felt her chest rise with the deep breath and then the answer came.

"I'm not sure, you were there and you were beautiful though I couldn't see you. Your warmth was inviting. I've been having these feelings, things that I've never felt before. I took the chance and I was hoping you were sleep, but also praying you were awake."

She said all this while playing with my hair.

"What does this mean?" I asked her. In my mind, I wanted her to say that she was madly in love with me and that she has never loved anyone so much. I was terrified to hear the actual words that would come from her mouth.

"It means, I-I'm not straight." her voice wavered as she finished her sentence. I turned my head to hers and saw tears running down her face.

"Lyds, what's wrong?" I moved so that I was kneeling between her legs, and cradled her head in my hands.

"It feels amazing to finally say that. I have felt things like this before and pushed it down and denied it. Right now, I just accepted it, and it feels fucking amazing." she sobbed out. I pulled her into my chest and smiled hearing her voice, the first smile I had shown in days.

There we were on the floor of her bathroom, in pajamas, and confiding in each other. She leaned back against the wall, her strawberry blond hair in disarray around her face.

"I really want to kiss you," she said looking from my eyes to my lips.

"I just vomited, I'm probably gross." I said with a hint of a giggle.

"Vomit be damned," she said as she pulled me closer and brought our lips together.

My heart just about left my body as she pressed closer and I registered that this was happening.

She pulled back and gave a shy smile. I smiled back and gave her a loving kiss on her forehead.

"You pulled me back in, your amazing." I said thinking about how she managed to pull me out of my downward spiral with just a few words and a declaration of her identity.

"I'm an anchor." She said as she pushed my hair out of my face. I smiled at her and we continued to sit on the cold tiles, talking, and eventually getting up to change into real clothes.

The rest of the day was filled with cuddles under big blankets, stolen soft kisses, and smiles. I knew my dads were in trouble, but I knew Lydia was right and that I wasn't in this alone.

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