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TW: There is mention of blood in this chapter.

She was safe. She was safe. She was safe.

I repeated it in my mind as if that would make me see something else. There she was, his arm wrapped around her throat, her hair matted to her head with sweat and his knife held up to her throat.

"Let her go." I said in a calm, level voice.

"You are in no position to demand anything of me." He said, pushing the blade into Lydia's skin.  A bead of blood burst from behind the knife and Lydia winced in pain.

"Hey, hey, hey. Let's talk about this!" I yelled out.

All thoughts of being strong were out the window. The sounds of the battle around us faded as I honed in on Lydia.

"I see I have something you hold dear." Dylan laughed.

"Let her go," I heard Scott say as he stepped up beside me. His claws were out and his eyes glowed a vibrant red.

"Now, now. I just want to have some fun." Dylan said moving towards us, Lydia still tight in his grasp.

My witchlight was still laying on the floor, casting strange shadows around the room. When Dylan moved, the shadows seemed to move around him.

"Why did you pose as a nephilim?" I asked, never taking my eyes off of him and Lydia.

"I just wanted to see what I could stir up. Being a warlock can be boring sometimes." Dylan said, pressing the knife harder into Lydia's skin. She let out a small whimper and I could then see that she was shaking.

"How did you bear the runes?" I asked him, truly curious.

"A mere glamour spell can fool anyone." Dylan responded almost nonchalantly. 

I just nodded and assessed the situation. Scott and the pack were ready to fight, I knew they were waiting for my call.

"Lyds, look at me." I said taking my eyes away from Dylan and looking her straight in the eye.

She looked at me and the fear in her eyes was heart wrenching. 

"I love you." I said looking her dead in the eye. As she held my eye contact, I drew out my seraph blade.

She nodded at my words, eyes misty with tears.

"I will love you forever." With that, I rushed forward and pushed my seraph blade at Dylan.

He easily side stepped my attack and kicked me in my leg. I stumbled before I regained my footing. He still held tightly to Lydia but the knife was now being plunged into my leg.

I cried out as he removed the knife from my calf. I heard roars as Scott and the pack rushed to attack him. He quickly threw Lydia to the floor as he began to fight the pack. My leg burned as blood leaked out from the wound.

Lydia was unconscious on the ground. Her head was bleeding from the contact to with ground. I grabbed my stele and quickly drew on a iratze rune to heal my leg. The wound quickly mended itself, and then I grasped my seraph blade and rejoined the fight.

Dylan was easily evading all of the attacks from the pack and they were running out of ways to attack him.

"I thought this would be a lot more fun." He mumbled as he side stepped Stiles and his bat, easily pushing the mundane into the wall. The sounds of seraph blades filled my ears as I remembered the fight the other Nephilim were engaged in.

Dylan then snapped his fingers and then the sounds stopped. An eerie silence fell over the building.

"What did you do?" I asked, my voice bouncing off of the walls.

Surviving Beacon Hills (A Teen Wolf Shadowhunters Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now