Chapter 16: Lost in the woods

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Mary's P.O.V (past)

We got lost. We fucking got lost and we have no idea where we are. Who's idea was it again to walk in a wood? Yes Charlotte's, and I swear if we don't get out soon...

'We've already been here guys. We are walking in circles.' I remarked. We all stopped, and everybody looked at me. I shrugged and pointed to the tree. 'This one has a weird shape. Ten minutes ago we already pasted this one. And yes, I am sure it's this one.' I said. Since we were in the woods, we had no connection with our phones, so they were useless. ' Maybe we should sit down for a bit.' Elise said and we all nodded. We went to sit next to the tree with the weird shape.

'I am so glad Jane isn't with us.' Sophie said and we all started laughing. The boys looked strangely at us and I explained it: 'Well for one, she absolutely hates any kind of exercising. She also would've starved because we are already walking for an hour straight. And lastly, she hates not knowing where she is.' And we laughed again. But then Niall looked serious and said: ' What are we going to do? I mean we already are walking for an hour and we are still in these damn woods?'

That was a good question though. What were we going to do? I think everybody started to get tired. I took out my phone, a smartphone may I add, and looked at the clock. It was already 4 pm. My lovely phone, even though I have to admit I like my iPod more. I mean there is all my music on and my photos. My photos usually are crazy faces of me and the four idiots I call my best friends. Better look ugly on purpose right?

And pictures of R5. You are probably wondering who they are? I'll explain. They are this band from California, not so famous thought, and 4 of them are family. The other one is a good friend. Their names are Rocky, Rydel, Ross, Riker and Ryland. See? Five R's. One time, a few years ago, they came to Belgium and I wanted to go to their concert. But my parents wouldn't let me go, because it was a school night. Yeah I know, lame. Jane joined a contest for me so we could win Meet&Greet tickets, but that didn't work out. Although her letter was pretty convincing. If I had to decide who would've gotten the tickets, I definitely would've chosen Jane. She is actually the only one who understands my obsession for them, because well yeah she is obsessed herself. With the guys I'm sitting now.

Although I have to say, she can hold it back very well. I'd probably be freaking out. Not that I am not a fan of these guys, just not as much as she is. She's acting normal, if that is even possible when we speak about her. Elise said something to me and I got snapped out of my thoughts. ' Mary come on, you have to agree with me that it is a stupid plan.' She said. What was she talking about? ' Er I'm sorry, what are you talking about?' I asked her and she explained patiently. 'Niall here wants to climb in a tree to look where we are.' Ha that is a stupid plan. ' Niall, darling, don't do that. You are going to fall.' I said and he rolled his eyes. Okay fine, he can do whatever he wants, I warned him. Elise tried to talk him out of it, but he doesn't want to listen. The rest just thinks it's a good idea. 'Guys, I swear. This is going to end bad.' I said.

Niall started to climb in the tree. We were all watching him, and he was a good five meters high, when he suddenly stood on a wrong branch. It snapped and we all gasped because Niall fell down. We all ran towards him while he was groaning in pain. I wanted to tell him ' I told you so' but I felt pity for the guy and I didn't think it was a good idea to tell him that now. Everybody was freaking out by now, seeing him lay down in pain. Only Charlotte looked calm. Everybody talked and I couldn't understand a thing.

' SHUT THE FUCK UP EVERYBODY AND GIVE HIM SOME SPACE!' Charlotte screamed and everybody went quiet. Charlotte isn't much of a screamer, so everybody was surprised I guess. ' Okay Niall, are you okay? Can you move your foot?' She asked while she bend on her knees. We all stood in a circle around them. He shook his head while he made a painful face. Poor thing. 'We have to get out of here. We don't have ice and Niall obviously can't walk.' she said and we all nodded. Liam started climbing in the same tree, and we all gave him a weird look. 'What are you doing Liam?' asked Louis. He answered: ' Climbing a tree. I'm going to try and find a way out.' I heard Louis mumbling something like idiot, but Liam didn't hear it.

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