Chapter 21: make over

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This is the dress Jane will be wearing

Jane p.o.v (past)

Giving the boys a make-over was maybe not such a good idea.

Who am I kidding, it was hilarious.

Not that they were happy about it.

We had a pillow fight first, which caused that our room looked like thrash.

Then, the boys ran away from us, which is pretty ridiculous because the room wasn't even that big.

'You douchebags, come back.

You know we'll catch you anyway. Just let us do it.'

Mary yelled at them while laughing.

Not that they listened.

Suddenly, they all looked at each other and then at the door. Oh no, they wouldn-

Shit. They had opened the door and now we had to run through the hotel.

We were stunned for a few seconds, until Sophie yelled: ' Come on, we have to catch them! Hurry.'

We ran out of the room, and looked around. We decided to split up and go

search the boys.

I know that most of the time shit like that causes you to get killed in movies, but I was pretty sure they wouldn't try to kill us.

I ran a bit with Charlotte, giggling because this was fun, and then we also split up when there were two directions.

I decided to stop running, I absolutely hate exercising, and wandered a bit in the hotel.

It was pretty quiet in the halls, and I had absolutely no idea where I was.

I passed a corner, and suddenly I felt two arms hugging me around my waist. I screamed and turned around to slap my attacker, when I saw it was Harry. I still slapped him though, I really didn't like to be scared.

He just laughed harder while he put his hands in the air in surrender.

' You jerk. I could've had a heart attack or something.' I said at him, and he started laughing even harder.

' I'm sorry, but you're really easy to scare. What can I do to make it up to you?' he asked.

I don't know. Maybe take of your shirt, kiss me, get me some food, take me on a cute date...

The list of possibilities were endless.

I couldn't say that out loud thought, which was actually a shame.

' Let me give you a make over with make up. Please? It will be awesome.' I eventually said, trying to give him my best puppy look.

He rolled his eyes, a smile still on his face, and started walking away.

I ran up to him, so I could stand right in front of him.

I stood really really close, and I almost forgot what I wanted to say.

'Pretty please Harry.' I eventually said, looking him straight in the eye, which was a bad idea because he was gorgeous and sweet and sexy and he gave me butterflies in my stomach. Stupid boy with his stupid eyes, !his stupid gorgeous body and his stupid sexy smile.

' On one condition.' he said, coming even closer, if that was possible.

I took a step back, but he just took a step towards me. This went on a while, until I felt the wall behind me.

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