Chapter 67

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It was silent as Sky walked through the men and women covered in blood. The late afternoon sun was beating down on the Jane Duchess. The officers were on their knees. They looked haggard like they could drop dead at any second. The rebels standing around them didn't look much better. But the deep unparalleled sense of accomplishment kept them on their feet. As Sky walked past they nodded in respect.

I killed King Patrick. She wanted to throw up. If she hadn't been so focused on Dustin and James she might have.

Out to western side of the Man-o-war, cannons continued to fire unware that the battle was over. Sav and a few other cormorant were striking the King's flag of red and blue. Soon the others on the waters would see that the Kings Flagship had surrendered. The killing could end. Sky only just noticed that far to the east Rogues ship was dormant on the sea. The two remaining naval brigs sat idly next to it unsure of their orders. They looked like ghost ships unmoving on the still ocean, beyond them the scattered remains of Nichola's ram and the Kings three destroyed vessels. Sky could see an awful lot of the rescue boats sailing away from the watery graveyard and into the peaks down south.

The Belladonna was making her way over to back to the Jane Duchess, her pursuers a jumbled mess. It looked like Thomas had somehow forced them into ramming into one another. The masts were completely missing from of one of the flank ships and the other rested against it. How the pirate had done it with the front of the pirate-ship destroyed Sky had no idea, but she knew it was a story he would share later.

Later... Sky took a staggered breath unbelieving. There was going to be a later after all.

Captain Hawk was speaking in a low voice that Sky suspected only her brother could hear. She took the steps up on to the forecastle slowing her whole body aching. At her approach Dustin looked up from the Commodore. His appearance was in complete disarray after hours of battle. His clothing torn and tattered and his hat missing from his head allowing his hair curl around his temples with sweat. He had a nasty gash across his cheek that let red blood run down his neck and chest and his arms were covered cuts from James' blade. He held that very sword, beautiful and gold much like his eyes, against her brother's neck. Sky looked down at James and saw that he had much fewer cuts than Dustin did.

"He told me," James whispered his voice cracking, "Dust. He told me it was what my father wanted."

Dustin and Sky made eye contact over James' shaking form. Sky saw his eyes rake over her in concern at the blood that covered her body. She did the same, but the red blood that stained his clothes belonged to him. There was disbelief in the back of Dustin's eyes but there was also sorrow at the bloody deck below them. However, above all else the pirate Captain looked extraordinarily inspiring standing on the forecastle gazing at the war he had lived through.

"I thought I was doing the right thing." James' words almost made Sky cry again. Dustin looked down at the man on his knees with surprisingly kind eyes.

"You were being used Ash." Dustin said softly but his blade still remained at the man's throat.

"Yes I can see that now." James looked up for the first time at Dustin lifting his chin causing the tip of his blade to dig into his skin. "We surrender." He must have known that his words changed nothing. The rebels had won. But Sky noticed that some of the officers deflated at the words. Their commander had surrendered; they were in the hands of pirates.

Dustin gave him a nod of approval. Sky held her breath at what would happen next. Dustin sighed and turned the blades edge against James' skin. His eyes flicked up to Sky and she hoped he could see her warning in her face. James was on his knees. The Jane Duchess colours had been struck down and it was over. He had to keep his promise.

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