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(I added parts to chapter 1 that either mad the chapter worse or better. Personally I think better sense now it may make more sense, also I think you should go read halter one again,if you want, to understand this chapter a little better❤️)

3rd POV

"Ok class today we have a new student, Jeon Jungkook, come introduce yourself!" The teacher, Mr. Lee, said. "Hey I'm Jeon Jungkook, I'm from Busan, I live with my dad...for now...and I'm a- do I need to tell them my status now?" Jungkook asked the teacher,mumbling the 'for now' part. He shook his head no. "No you don't, we can find out at daily training at the end of the day. That's when everyone learns about their strength and things like that." Mr. Lee said.

Jungkook nodded and looked at the class. All eyes were on him. This was the one class he didn't have with Jin or Jimin which made him kind of upset and nervous. Though he would never admit it. "Just find an empty seat Jungkook and we'll start the lesson!" Mr.Lee said. Jungkook sighed and walked over to a completely empty table, ignoring all the calls of "oppa sit with me!" Or "over here dude!".

After a while into the lesson the classroom door opened to reveal a student sweating and breathing heavily. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair and stepped into the classroom. "Sorry I'm late sir, I had to stop a fight between two alphas" he said. Jungkook didn't really give a fuck so he never looked up to see who it was. "Tsk..fights must be a normal thing at this school.." Jungkook mumbled. "That's ok Taehyung, just go sit in your seat so I can continue the lesson" Mr.Lee said. Taehyung nodded and walked over to his seat. He was to busy focusing on his breathing to notice the quiet omega sitting next to him.

"Ok class, I need to go to the office for a little bit. Meetings and stuff. So I'll be right back!" Mr.Lee said walking out and leaving the classroom to the students who started talking. Some was about Jungkook.

Jungkook was on his phone again so he didn't notice the two boys beside him, staring at him with more than just admiration,but with lust.

"You're the one who denied Jackson weren't you?" One said. Jungkook looked up and groaned.

Taehyung looked over and nearly fell out of his seat. 'How the fuck did I not notice his scent?! Him?!" Taehyung thought.

"Yea I am, what the fuck does it have to do with you?" Jungkook said with an annoyed tone. "Come on babe, we know you're just shy~ no need to refuse when you don't want to!" The other guy said, putting his hand on Jungkooks shoulder.

Taehyung looked up at the guys and v growled. 'Are they serious?' He though. He took the guys hand that was on jungkooks shoulder and twisted it, the guy groaned in pain, holding his hand. "Don't you think it's about time you stop hitting on new students? Just go away Dean, you too whatever your name is!" Taehyung said. The two alphas walked away, leaving just Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jungkook turned around and looked at Taehyung. They stared at each other's eyes before Jungkook role the eye contact and switched his attention back to his phone.

"You never actually let me meet you, ya know?" Taehyung said. "Yea..so?" Jungkook said. "Well it would be nice if you talked to the one who helped you." Taehyung said. "Thank you but I'm over it. It happened a lot at my old school, I'm used to it." Jungkook said. "Ah ok..."Taehyung said, slightly disappointed he didn't find out the others name.

The bell rang and that signaled class four. Which would be his last class. He had two gyms though. He assumed the last one was daily training.

Jungkook heard someone call his name. He was about to turn around but someone jumped on his back. "KOOKIEEEE!!" Jimin screamed, everyone looked at them. Jin pulled Jimin off jungkooks back and they started walking to gym. "Ok! Let's go to gym!" Jimin said excitedly.

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