Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"I was seriously hoping not to see you on that seat for at least fifteen more minutes." Mr. Morris sighed. "What did you do this time, Amelia?"

"You hurt me, Mr. Morris. Why would you think I've done something in order to come visit you? Don't you know just how much I've missed you?" I pouted, blinking rapidly and innocently. He gave me a pointed look and I chuckled, leaning back on the chair. "Oh, come on, live a little. You will die faster if you act like a grumpy old man."

He sighed and shook his head when a knock on the door was heard. The principal authorized whoever was at the door to come in, and I turned my gaze towards it. A girl I recognized from my class with Orwell strode in, holding a paper in her hands.

"Cindy, good morning. I'm guessing the paper you're holding in your hands is the report from David Orwell, yes?" he asked the girl as he motioned for her to give him the paper. 

She nodded with a small smile and glanced at me. I raised my eyebrow at her in an intimidating way and she quickly looked away, placing the paper down on Mr. Morris' desk. "Yes, e-excuse me," she stuttered then scurried out of the office, shutting the door behind her and making me laugh.

"There's no need to scare my students away, Amelia." He sighed and glanced at the paper on his desk. He put his glasses on and read the paper carefully, his brows furrowing together in thought. 

I raised my eyebrow at this and leaned forward in my seat, trying to read what was on it like the nosy person I was. When my attempt failed, I snatched the paper from his hands and turned it toward myself as Mr. Morris took his glasses off.

"Let's see what that teacher made up this time," I said in amusement. As I went to read the paper, he snatched it away from my hands, causing me to whine.

"Since you think that his class is not 'challenging' enough, he is demanding for a change to your schedule. David certainly doesn't want you in his class anymore," he explained. He then folded the paper and put it aside, picking up some other files.

"Who will be my new victim now, then?" I asked with a smirk.

"As much as David hates to admit, he does recognize that your knowledge in mathematics is quite exquisite. Considering you solved ten problems in less than ten minutes with the correct process," he said.

"Mr. Orwell praising my genius mind? What a rare gem." I chuckled pridefully.

"I suggest you erase that smirk from your face," he warned. "Apart from your change in schedule, there is another thing he requested."

"What? Detention? We all know that doesn't work for me. It wouldn't be the first one I escaped from—nor the last." I chuckled. 

He gave me a pointed look and I raised my hands in mock surrender. By his expression, I could tell that it certainly wasn't detention. 

"Alright, alright. What is it this time? Another suspension?"

"You are to take Advanced Calculus."

* * *

At lunch, I sat with Kenneth and Danielle, both of them sitting in front of me. They just heard the news of my change of schedule and were staring at me with their mouths hung open. 

Apparently, it was surprising that a girl like me had to take a single class with the nerds. 

I held my new schedule in my hands and scanned the contents. The change was not much, now that I took history as my first period and math at the second one.

"You really got on his nerves," Kenneth commented as I stuffed the new schedule in my bag.

"When don't I?" I chuckled. 

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