Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

It was finally Friday morning, and I was making my way down the stairs tiredly. People roamed around the corridors as I walked past them and headed to where I hoped the kitchen was.

"Take me to my mother," I ordered once I spotted Victor roaming around the huge kitchen.

He turned to look at me while closing one of the cupboards in the process and nodded his head. Without another word, he motioned for me to follow him and started walking in the direction of the stairs. I followed without a second thought and trudged up the stairs after him, turning corners every now and then until we finally stopped in front of a door being guarded by two men.

"Would you like me to wait out here?" Victor asked.

"No need to, you can go on and do your thing. I'll be alright from here," I said with a dismissing wave of my hand. He nodded once and left the way we came, leaving me alone with the two guards.

"Alright, step aside. I've got things to discuss with the woman."

They didn't hesitate to obey and open the door for me to pass through. I didn't spare them a second glance as I stepped into the bedroom and let them close the door behind me. It didn't take me long to spot my mother, given the fact that she was eating a sandwich at the edge of the bed.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" she asked, her tone void of emotion.

"How have you been treated?" I asked, her eyes meeting mine once she heard my voice.

"Amelia," she whispered. "I guess you could say I'm being treated... nicely. Apart from the fact that I can't leave this bedroom."

"You won't be in here for long." I shrugged. "If everything goes as planned, we will all be out of here in a matter of time."

"You have a plan?" Her eyes widened, shining with masked hope.

"I always do," was my vague answer. "Make sure you eat and rest well, you will need it."

She furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity and slowly stood up, leaving her half-eaten sandwich aside. I stayed where I was, eyeing her every movement warily.

She walked toward me, stopping once she was two feet away. Her dark eyes stared into mine apprehensively, and a wave of emotions unraveled at the same time. Disappointment, sorrow, regret, pain. "You know, Amelia, there hasn't been a day where I haven't wished for things to have gone differently. For you to have grown up in a much better life, instead of this nightmare." She paused, her hand reaching forward reluctantly to touch the split ends of my blonde hair. "I guess I never really tried hard enough to give it to you, and instead found myself being a terrible mother to you. I will always live with that regret." Within all the emotions swirling through her eyes, honesty was present at that moment.

I sighed and gently pried her hand away from my hair. "There is nothing you can do anymore. All of this will be over soon either way, so just do as you're told and don't think too much into it."

"Wait, Amelia." She reached forward as I turned to leave. "What is it that you're-"

"Goodbye, mother," I cut her off and stepped out of the room before she could say anything else. I closed the door behind me and eyed the two guards at each side of the door. "Do not forget about the meeting at four later on today. Your presence is mandatory. Someone will come to get my mother later. You will be informed soon enough."

Both of them gave a single nod and I walked away, turning the corners I memorized once coming up to make my way back to the kitchen. Once I reached the kitchen, I saw Lindsey and Sophia chatting animatedly. They noticed me approaching and Sophia smiled, offering me a cup of coffee, which I politely declined. I sat beside Lindsey on the kitchen island and saw an array of food to eat for breakfast. My stomach automatically grumbled at the smell.

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