Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

After my little stunt of almost breaking Danielle's arm, Wesley had been keeping an extra eye on me whenever I trained with her or Kenneth. He knew about what happened between us, so he didn't completely blame me for it.

I did go a little overboard with that though, even I had to admit it. I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind at the moment, and their appearance didn't help with my anger at all.

The next day while training, I was a bit more relaxed. Almost breaking Danielle's arm helped me relieve some of that anger I had toward them. That didn't mean I was over what they did, because I was certainly not. Danielle's excuse for what she did was irrational, which made me angrier at her. Luckily, I haven't lashed out at her, or Kenneth, in such a harsh way again.

I made my way to my current motel room and fished the key out of my pocket. I unlocked the door, and it opened with a small creaking sound, making me frown a bit. Brushing it off, I switched the lights on, then closed the door behind me quietly. I went to shrug my jacket off and hang it on the coat rack when something rectangular and white caught my attention. I furrowed my brows and crouched down, slowly grabbing the envelope from the floor.

The envelope had nothing on the front, no scribbles, nothing. I narrowed my eyes at it and opened the envelope quickly, snatching out the folded piece of paper inside. I unfolded it and sat down on my bed, looking at the words printed in the middle of the sheet.

Everywhere you go, I will follow. I'm like a shadow, visible in the daylight yet invisible in the darkness. You cannot escape from me, for I follow your every movement. I know where you go and what you do. You should be careful with who you trust. Even much more careful in who you fall in love with. I will see you very soon, Clark. Watch out.

P.S. It's a shame your mother made it out alive. I guess I'll spare her life this time.

-E. C.

There it was again, the unknown person who killed my stepfather and almost killed my mother.

I crumbled the piece of paper in my hands and threw it at the wall in frustration. I grasped my hair between my fingers and took a deep breath. Whoever this person was, they knew where I was staying at the moment, and that alone gave me goosebumps. I stared at the now crumpled piece of paper on the ground and sat down, my mind running over the possibilities of who that person might be.

The possibilities were slowly shrinking down until only one person remained. It couldn't be, though. It didn't coincide with the initials on the paper...yet again, if that person meant any harm, they would most likely go undercover.

I punched the wall instinctively out of frustration and ignored the pain of protest that shot through my hand. I sighed heavily and grabbed the paper from the floor, then threw it on the nightstand beside my bed. Quickly grabbing my duffel bag, I stuffed my things inside, preparing to leave tomorrow. This time I would make damn sure that nobody knew about my location.

Nobody at all.

* * *

I pinned Wesley to the floor and held him as best as I could. It was not easy for a girl like me to hold down a buff, six-foot-tall man. The fact that he was in his mid-thirties didn't quite help me at all. He struggled against my hold, but I didn't dare falter. I asked him last night to train alone with me before anybody else got here to train as well. It required me to skip school, and who was I to deny such an offer.

Wesley managed to get out of my hold and pushed me back. I stumbled, but luckily didn't fall, and received a punch to my side instead. I groaned and held my side for a moment before leaping at him. He prepared himself to receive the tackle, but I quickly read his movements and smirked a little. Instead of tackling him, I jumped and kicked his chest, following it with a right hook and an uppercut. He managed to block the right hook, but wasn't fast enough to block the uppercut as my fist connected with his jaw.

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