Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"Have you found anything?" I asked Lindsey.

We were currently sitting in her basement—which barely even looked like one because of all the equipment. Lindsey was running some tests on the envelopes and papers to see if she could at least find some fingerprints apart from mine. She tapped away on her keyboard as everyone else stood behind her, waiting impatiently.

"I think I found something!" she exclaimed, and I was quick by her side.

"Bingo," Wesley muttered.

"For some reason, there is no picture of her, but it says here that she will be eighteen in two weeks. Her blood type is AB negative, and her skin tone is white. That's all the information I could find about her," Lindsey informed me with a frown.

Why was there such little information about her?

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Eva Clark," she answered, and it just felt like a truck just hit me.

I took a step back in disbelief, my mind running back to the napkin on top of my mother's body that day.

Riddle me this. I am the product of a betrayal, yet the blessing of a secret love. I am the most hidden secret, yet I'm always exposed to the open world. You know what I am, but at the same time, you don't. I am the truth that you're looking for, yet you don't seem to find. Little do you know that I've been under your nose this entire time.

What am I?


"Amelia..." Danielle whispered.

"That's my sister," I said slowly.

Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at me simultaneously. I looked over at Danielle and she lowered her head guiltily, Kenneth placing a comforting hand over her shoulder. "You knew about this too, didn't you?"

"Lily, I—" she started, but I interrupted her.

"Didn't you?" I asked once again and glared daggers at her. She sighed and nodded slowly before taking a step back.

I definitely lost it.

I grabbed a fistful of her hair and slammed her face against the wall behind her. She screamed in pain as I heard the crack of her nose breaking. The others yelled at me to stop, but I ignored them and threw Danielle to the floor. Blood trickled down her nose and into her mouth and I kicked her side. My vision was blurry, but I didn't stop. 

Before I could continue kicking her, I was pulled back and somebody held my arms behind my back. I struggled against the person, screaming profanities and continued to glare at Danielle. Kenneth was at her side in an instant, inspecting her nose as she cried.

"I should've known," I growled in her direction. "I should've never trusted you! You're a huge rat, you piece of garbage!"

"Amelia, calm down!" Wesley hissed in my ear, but I only struggled more.

I threw my head back, and the back of my head connected with his jaw quite painfully. I stomped down on his foot and he staggered back a bit, loosening his hold on me. Using this as an advantage, I used all the strength I could muster to throw him over my shoulder. He fell on his back and wheezed, and the couple looked at me, frightened.

"What else do you know?" I asked and took a threatening step forward.

"Lily—" Lindsey said, and I glared at her. She sighed and held her arms up in surrender.

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