Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

We ate in silence; I enjoyed my fries as the couple took a sip of their milkshakes. I looked at my phone as it vibrated for the hundredth time tonight and rolled my eyes. I turned it off, not wanting to see another call pop up on my screen. I tossed it inside my pocket and proceeded to drink what was left of my fantastic milkshake. Kenneth cleared his throat, making me look up at them to find them staring at me intently.

"How are you feeling?" Danielle asked.

"Very full." I chuckled as I patted my stomach. They kept their eyes on me, their serious gaze making me roll my eyes. "Relax guys... It was about time I left that excuse of a house. Plus, I will be turning eighteen this weekend, meaning that my mother can't force me to live with her anymore."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kenneth asked with a skeptical look. I gave him a bored expression and waved my hand in the air dismissively. He shook his head slightly in disapproval and went back to finishing his milkshake.

A pair of footsteps made their way toward our table and I raised my eyebrow. Izzy stood in front of us, milkshake in hand and a wide grin on her face.

"Hi! Do you mind me sitting with you?" she asked in a hopeful tone.

"Actually, we were about to go—"

"Of course, Izzy. Take a seat," Danielle offered, and I shot her a look.

Now wasn't the time to play friends with the new girl.

Izzy nodded and took a seat beside me, making me groan internally. "Thanks!" she chirped and looked at me. "You ordered Cookies 'n Cream, right? Guess we have the same taste."

I looked at her oddly and furrowed my brows. Who the hell cared if she got the same milkshake I ordered?

"My name is Danielle," Danielle introduced herself. "And this is my boyfriend, Kenneth."

"Nice meeting you both," Izzy said with a friendly smile and started downing her milkshake. I sighed and leaned back in my seat. I had brought my own ride with me, so maybe I could just leave first. I wasn't in the mood to get to know Miss Spaghetti-Legs here.

Just as I was about to stand up and leave, Danielle decided to ask the new girl something. "I heard you're Chase's stepsister. If that's so, why didn't you attend the same high school as him in the first place?" Danielle reminded me of an FBI agent; ready to note all the information down and pass it on to a computer to save the files.

Izzy chuckled, probably expecting that question already. "Before my father met Chase's mother, Sophia, I was already enrolled in a private school. So he decided to leave me in private school until senior year," she explained.

"Why now, though? Couldn't you transfer once school started? I mean, it would've been easier than trying to catch up with the material after almost two months since school started."

"I know, but I didn't want to leave my old friends just yet, so I convinced my father to let me stay in that school for two more months." She giggled, and I rolled my eyes.

Alright, I had already lost interest in this conversation.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm leaving already," I said and grabbed my school bag. Kenneth's gaze snapped to mine, and I shot him a look, warning him to not open his mouth. He sighed and nodded as Izzy waved at me enthusiastically and wished me a good night.

"We'll see you tomorrow, Lily," Izzy said.

I grimaced as she said my nickname. The way she said it made it sound as if she had known me my entire life.

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