Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

I glared at her and took a threatening step forward. She only glared back and held the gun firmer, making me smirk. That made her brows furrow as she scowled in anger. She still couldn't move an entire arm, which pretty much left her powerless. "Careful there, Sis. I'm the one with the gun now," she seethed, and my smirk only grew wider.

"Yeah, well, I'm the one with backup and two good arms," I replied back, and her scowl deepened. "Why don't you drop the gun and fight me now, you coward? Stop relying on a gun for protection."

"I can beat your ass with or without a gun," she said, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not the one who ended up with a knife on my shoulder last time," I mused, and she clenched her jaw in response.

She immediately took the safety off and pulled the trigger; however, the bullet went straight to the ceiling since Danielle kicked her arm up. "Kenneth, get her out of here! I'll deal with Eva," Danielle commanded, and Kenneth stared at her hesitantly.

"Are you sure you—"

"Yes. Just go already!" she shouted, and at that moment, Izzy jumped on her back. They both fell to the ground and Danielle kicked her off, before Kenneth took hold of my arm.

He dragged me down the hallway until we reached a familiar worn-out door. The door that Steven escaped through the other day.

"Behind this door will be a group of guards waiting to lead you out of here, undercover. Wesley and the rest are with them; they will get you out of here as safe as possible," he grunted and kicked the door open.

"Who would've thought I would end up being the damsel in distress?" I muttered, pretty much to myself.

The sound of a familiar pained shout filled our ears, and we both turned around hastily.

Izzy stood over Danielle with a bloodied hand clutching a butterfly knife, while Danielle lay on the ground, holding her side.


"Danielle!" Kenneth shouted and began running toward her, but I stopped him.

Danielle glanced back at us, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Izzy gave us a crazed grin, throwing the knife away and picking up her fallen gun. I froze in place as she pulled the trigger, the bullet piercing the back of Danielle's head.

Kenneth's screams resounded through the entire room as he broke free from my hold. This time, when he charged at her, I didn't stop him.

I only stood there...paralyzed.

Kenneth pulled out a gun and aimed at Izzy in time for her to do the same. All I could do was stand there and watch, too shocked to move. Everything was happening too fast. Two more gunshots were heard, and I blinked to look at the scenery in front of me clearer.

Izzy fell to the ground with a bullet through her chest, and Kenneth panted heavily. Danielle's slumped figure lay lifeless on the ground, a pool of blood forming underneath her.

Kenneth turned to look at her. "Dan..." he whispered, and I felt my own heart breaking for him. A huge sob left his mouth and he knelt on the ground while I still stood there, motionless. I watched how he cradled her body in his arms and sobbed even louder, burying his face in the crook of her neck. He pressed her body against his own, staining himself with her blood.

"Kenneth..." I whispered and took a step forward, finally regaining movement.

"No!" he yelled and glared at me with tears in his eyes. "Don't you come any closer!"

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