Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"Harder!" Wesley yelled in my ear, and I gritted my teeth in annoyance. I did as told and punched the punching bag even harder, my arms screaming at me in protest. I was pretty sure if they weren't attached to my body, they would be all over the floor. I was panting heavily, and my shirt stuck to me due to the sweat. After punching the bag several more times, Wesley instructed me to stop and I gladly did so.

"You're going over the line with this," I grumbled at him, and he crossed his arms over his chest with an eyebrow raised.

"That's your punishment for getting here almost fifteen minutes late, Amelia," he retorted, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"First of all, I was at the hospital visiting my mother. Second, there's no need to go overboard with me, considering I've fought them before and I certainly know all their moves. This is worthless right now. The one you should be training like this is Brownie over there," I said as I pointed toward Chase, who was currently fiddling with some knives. 

He tried throwing one to the target, but failed miserably since it went straight to the floor. I gave Wesley a pointed look—as if to prove my point—and he sighed.

"Alright, alright. Chase! Come over here," he called out and Chase's head snapped to us. 

He put the knives aside and walked toward us. He looked at my slightly panting form and furrowed his brows in concern, but I evaded his gaze and trained my eyes on Wesley instead.

"What is it?" Chase asked.

"I want you to fight Amelia," he instructed, and I groaned at him.

"Are you serious right now? Give me a break already!" I exclaimed, tossing my hands up in the air. "It's barely our first day of training, jeez. I don't even know why I'm following your orders."

"Because if it weren't for me, you would be dead meat by now." he snapped at me.

"If I made it out alive, it was by my own will. The only thing you helped with was lending me this place for training. And even if you didn't do that, I would've survived on my own." I snapped right back at him.


"Oh, are you sure about that? If I remember correctly, thanks to me, you didn't have the police right on your tail after murdering all those people! You would be in jail right now!"

"Well, I didn't ask for your damn help, Wesley! Even if they were on my back, they wouldn't be able to track me down. Being in that stupid gang taught me all of that."

"Just how selfish can you be?"


"I can be as selfish as I want, mind you. I don't even need all this training. I can take you or anyone down in an instant."

"Oh really, Amelia? Want to give it a shot?"

"Damn right I do. Come at me you big—"


"Shut up!" both Wesley and I shouted at Chase. He staggered back in surprise, and I sighed. 

Pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration, I grabbed a bottle of water before squeezing the water all over my head. The cold water showered me and dampened my shirt, but I honestly couldn't care less at the moment.

"Sorry," Chase apologized. "I just don't see the point in you two bickering right now."

"Chase is right," I sighed, glaring at Wesley. "We should be focused on training him instead of bickering."

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