Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"This bag is heavy," Chase whined as he struggled to lift the bag from the floor. I chuckled at him and shook my head in amusement. The police had left the house shortly after marking some clues and receiving a call from a good friend of mine.

"I already worked on that," I said to him, and as if on cue, the front door opened. I made my way downstairs and saw Wesley walking inside, eyeing the mess with wide eyes.

"They sure went too far this time," he commented once I reached him. "Where's the bag?"

"Upstairs," I said, and he nodded before jogging that way. 

I followed him as he made his way into my room. Chase was sitting on my bed, looking around when we entered. 

Wesley looked at the opened storage room and sighed heavily, a frown etching on his face. "I hoped you never had to open that door," he muttered and crouched to grab the duffel bag from the floor. He lifted it with ease and draped it over his shoulder, making Chase’s jaw drop in the slightest. 

His mouth opened and closed like a fish, not knowing what to say, and I let out a laugh. "Come on, Brownie. Let's go before the police come back to investigate further," I said as I glanced at the time and noticed that it was almost two in the afternoon. I walked past the bathroom without glancing inside, not wanting to see the blood splattered everywhere a second time. The riddle written on the napkin had me thinking deeply, trying to figure out who the person behind that message was.

"Oh my God," Chase randomly said from behind me. "My mom is going to kill me!"

"What's wrong with you now?" I asked, turning around to look at him. We were currently standing in the driveway, watching as Wesley threw the bag inside the trunk of his SUV.

"I just skipped school. I've never done that! If she finds out, then I'm dead," he said, burying his face in his hands. 

Rolling my eyes at his innocence, I chuckled. "There's always a first time for everything. Don't worry, I’ve got you covered. Your mom seems to like me," I assured him, and he slowly looked at me. I gave him a faint smile and nodded to where my bike was parked. "I'll take you to your house, come on."

I gave Wesley a nod and he nodded back, before getting in the driver’s seat and leaving. I hopped on the bike and Chase followed suit, putting the helmet on in the process. Driving away from my house, I tried to keep my focus on the road instead of the events from earlier. I slowed down as I neared Chase's house and parked behind what I assumed was his mother's car.

I killed the engine and hopped off, walking to the front door and leaning against it as I waited for Chase. He took a deep breath and motioned for me to move once he reached me. I stood straight and stepped away from it, watching as he unlocked it and turned the knob. We were greeted by the smell of delicious food when we stepped inside, meaning that Sophia was cooking.

"Chase? School doesn't end until later. What are you doing here?" she asked once she saw us over the kitchen island. "Oh, Amelia?"

"Hi, Sophia," I said with a chuckle. 

She narrowed her eyes questioningly at both of us, motioning for us to sit down on the couch. We nodded and sat side by side as Sophia walked to the living room.

"Well? I prefer to hear it from you than receive a call later on that my son and his friend skipped school," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Chase and I glanced at each other, and I cleared my throat. "I received a call from my mother before lunch time was over. She got into a bad...accident and got badly bruised. I was going to see her alone, but Chase stopped me and insisted on coming with me. He thought that being alone in a situation like that wasn't a good idea," I explained and gave her a sad smile. 

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