Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I turned around to face him and noticed that he was already making his way toward me. I went to put my shirt back on, but he quickly stopped me and grabbed my shoulders firmly. Before my mind was able to register what was happening, he turned me to the side and mumbled incoherent things under his breath. "Amelia, this looks bad."

"It's not that bad," I said with an eye roll. "It's just some cuts and bruises."

"They're not treated, which makes it worse." He huffed. "How did you get these? Was it Gregory or Bryce?"

"Bryce," I said with a sigh. "When I had my first encounter with him three days ago. Let's say it wasn't all hugs and chit-chat. I already sort of explained what happened." 

He hummed behind me, and I froze when I felt his fingers tracing the bruises on my side. He pressed on a certain spot, making me hiss, and he mumbled an apology. Soon, after his fingers retreated, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the bob punching bag.

I let him drag me to the lockers and watched as he grabbed his stuff and looked at me. "We're going," he declared, making me raise my eyebrows.

"Training is not over yet, genius. It's barely been thirty minutes," I said as he grabbed a towel and started patting his forehead and neck dry of sweat.

"Well, training can wait. We're going to my house for me to treat those wounds," he demanded, and I couldn't be more surprised. It had been barely a week and he already grew the guts to order me around. Where had the shy, innocent Chase gone to?

"If you just want us to be alone in your house, you could've just said so," I mused with a smirk, putting my shirt back on, finally. "Where is Chase and what have you done to him?"

"W-What?" He blushed, seeming taken aback by my words. Oh well, looked like Chase hadn't gone anywhere. 

"Amelia, this is serious."

"You blush so easily. It makes you look so innocent and cute." I chuckled, making him blush even more. 

He decided to ignore my comment and went on to turn the speaker off. I simply crossed my arms over my chest as he walked back to me with my phone and keys. Grabbing my wrist once again, he dragged me out of the room and locked the door. 

We encountered Wesley on our way out, who gave us a questioning look. "Done so fast?" he asked when Chase tossed him the keys.

"Yeah, uh, I'm just going to treat some... wounds on Amelia," he explained, and Wesley's eyes found mine.

"The ones on her side, I'm guessing," he said, still looking at me. Chase stayed silent and I clenched my jaw at Wesley, knowing fully well that he was interrogating me with his gaze. "I'm still waiting for her to break the silence and finally reveal the culprit."

I rolled my eyes at this, and Chase looked between us awkwardly. I could tell that he was pondering whether he should rat me out or not. 

After a moment, I gave in. He was bound to find out sooner or later. "Fine. It was Bryce. Happy now?"

"Your older brother did that to you?" he asked, well aware of Chase standing there.

"He knows." I sighed. "I encountered Bryce three days ago. I believe that you can already tell how it went, so you don't even have to ask."

"What does he want?"

"What do you think?" I groaned and noticed how Chase looked around awkwardly. "He wants me back, of course. As you can see, my answer was no. There's no way in hell I'm going back."

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