Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

I looked over at Chase in a haste. He was holding a gun in his hand and was rushing over to me frantically. I stepped forward to run over to him but was immediately engaged in a headlock.

"Not so fast." Izzy hissed against my ear, and I bit down on her arm. She yelped, and I grabbed her arm firmly then threw her over my shoulder. She fell on her back and groaned before standing up and glaring at me.

"Bring it on, little sis." I challenged and held the chain in my hands. She scowled angrily and tackled me to the ground. From the corner of my eye, I could see Steven making his way out the double doors, and I cursed. I couldn't let him get away.

"Don't you even think about it," Izzy growled at me and punched my chin. I hissed in pain as she sent another punch to my face, but I blocked it and used it to pull her, making her stumble a bit. I heard a clinking sound of metal, and something shone in my field of vision. When Izzy charged at me, I dodged her punch and stepped around her, standing behind her. Before she could do anything, I kicked the back of her legs and forced her on her knees, passing the chain of the handcuffs over her head and wrapping it around her throat.

Her hands immediately went to the chain around her throat and struggled to take them off, but I prevented her from doing so and pulled the chain tighter. I glanced at the butterfly knife lying some feet away from us and watched as Chase took down the man he was fighting with.

"Chase!" I screamed, and his head snapped in my direction. I motioned to the knife and struggled against Izzy who was gasping for air. He seemed to get the hint and kicked the knife toward me. I released Izzy from the chokehold and instantly grabbed the knife from the ground as she massaged her throat.

She started coughing violently as I flicked the knife open. I stabbed her in the shoulder, making her cry out in pain. I kicked her face and she landed on her bottom, holding the knife that was sticking out of her shoulder with a grimace. I glanced at Chase and noticed he was holding up fine, so I bolted out the double doors. I ran down the hall and outside, looking from a far distance as Steven and some of his men got inside a car.

I screamed out in frustration when they sped off, and hurried back inside. Chase was now struggling against Gregory and Bryce which had him cornered. I could tell that he was in a bad shape since most of his weight was on the wall beside him. I quickly jumped on Gregory's back and pulled him down with me. I pushed him off me and rolled away from him, glaring at him. He was quick on his feet and I grabbed a gun from the floor, holding it firmly. Once he charged at me, I aimed at his leg and pulled the trigger right before Gregory kicked the gun out of my hands.

Bryce's yell met my ears as I struggled with Gregory. I was feeling lightheaded and nauseous as I fought him, the handcuffs not being of much help. I kicked his side and chin and watched him spit out some blood and glare at me. He brought his knee up and I blocked it but felt his fist connecting with my cheek. I winced and fell on my side, and he smirked down at me when I brought my hands up to touch my cheek.

"Seems like you're starting to lose skills, Amy." He said, and I didn't hesitate to kick the back of his legs. He fell backward, and I jumped on top of him and punched his face repeatedly with both fists at the same time. With one last punch, I managed to knock him out cold, and I instantly looked over at Chase. He was panting by a corner, and Bryce was some feet away from him holding his bloody leg in pain. He was glaring at me as I went to assist Chase, but I easily ignored him.

"Can you stand up?" I asked Chase, and he winced and nodded at me slowly. I draped his arm over my shoulder and did my best to help him stand up. He limped beside me, and I could tell he was trying his best to not put his weight on me.

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