Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

"What happened between your father and I was a mere affair. I wasn't supposed to get pregnant with you," my mother started. "He got furious when he found out, so he demanded me to abort you. I refused to do so, which led to a deal."

"What deal?" I seethed. A warm, familiar hand placed itself over my shoulder in comfort.

"Amelia, I'm so sorry. For everything. This was never supposed to happen, I swear!" she said, her eyes tearing up.

"Stop evading the question and answer me," I demanded angrily. My heart ached inside my chest as the anticipation grew stronger. I looked over at Chase once she sniffed since I couldn't stand the sight of her face right now. He gave a sympathetic smile, but the ghost of a frown was evident in the crease of his eyebrows.

"Once you were born, I was supposed to give you up to him. He was going to deal with you. Steven made me promise him that I would give you up the second I had you..." she trailed off.

"But you didn't," Chase finished for her. I turned to look at her and she was staring at the ground intently. She sighed and shook her head, confirming our suspicions.

"That's why he's behind me now? All because of a stupid deal you made eighteen years ago?" I spat. She bit her lip nervously, and I shook my head in disbelief. "Alright, so this whole time you knew that my father was in this stupid gang. Cool. Having an affair with a gang leader? That's low, even for you."

The gasp that escaped her lips didn't surprise me, and when she noticed the way Wesley frowned at her, she grimaced.

"Long time no see," Wesley muttered.

"Wesley." She sighed. He was sitting down beside Lindsey, and I had to fight the urge to smirk at them.

My mother looked at them and shifted uncomfortably on her chair. "Can I get some water?"

"Depends," Lindsey said. "What else are you hiding?"

"There is nothing else I'm hiding from you, I promise," she drawled out. I narrowed my eyes at her and pulled my gun out of my waistband. I pressed it against her forehead and watched as her eyes widened. Chase tensed behind me and I frowned, not wanting him to see any more of this.

"You should leave," I told him. My mother's eyes drifted between me and Chase, while Lindsey and Wesley just stared.

"You've seen enough, Chase. This isn't your life."

"It's alright. I've been part of this life even before I met you," he spoke softly.

I kept the gun pressed tightly against my mother's forehead as I turned to look into Chase's eyes. He gave me a sincere smile and a small nod, making me sigh. I looked back to my mother, whose eyes were trained on us after she watched the whole exchange.

I gave her a hard glare, however, once her expression turned to one of understanding and sympathy.

"You really like him, don't you?" she asked softly. The question threw me off guard, and my body tensed in the slightest. I bit the inside of my cheeks angrily and frowned at her, digging the rough metal of the gun farther into her forehead.

"Stop changing topics. I will ask one more time, and I want you to answer us truthfully. What else are you hiding?" Lindsey seethed.

My mother winced at the harshness in her tone and sighed. "I—I covered your father's tracks, so you couldn't find him," she muttered. "He was going to kill you the moment he had his hands on you. I knew you would want to find him, so that was why I moved away from him."

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