Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Mr. Mosely was handing out the scores of last week's test to each student in the room. Once he reached me, he gazed at me with a bored expression. "I must say, I'm quite impressed you've survived this long in my class, Miss Clark."

"I told you, I love challenges," I mused and grabbed my paper from his hands. I scanned the contents until my eyes reached the circled number in red on the top right corner. Smirking in satisfaction, I leaned back against my seat, very proud of the bold red number ninety-two. 

The teacher shook his head and continued to hand out the papers to the rest of the students.

"That's good," Chase commented by my side, and I glanced at his paper. 

Surely enough, there was a bold one-hundred circled in red on the top right corner of his paper. How surprising.

"Yeah," was all I said and looked back to the front. 

It had been a week since I told my plan to the others, and as much as I hated to admit, I was nervous. It was clearly not the first time I have dealt with these people, so that was pretty much a plus. I believed that they still gathered up at the same spot as before. When I was part of the gang, they used to plan everything in an old bar downtown. The place was dirty and rusty, but all they cared about was the liquor. Typical gang stuff.

The bell to next period rang and I quickly grabbed my stuff then walked out of the classroom. I made my way to my locker without glancing at anyone, not really wanting to make eye contact with Chase. Once I reached my locker, I slung my bag off my shoulder and opened the door. I was about to throw the unnecessary stuff inside when a white envelope fluttered down to the ground. I stared at it for a second too long before kneeling down to grab it. I snatched the paper from inside the envelope before reading it carefully.

Getting your locker combination was far from easy. You should consider changing it, but it will be of no use, honestly. Be aware, Amelia. I am closer than you think.

-E. C.

I threw the paper back inside the envelope and threw it inside my bag angrily. The warning bell rang, and I closed the locker before heading over to my next class.

When the last bell rang, signaling lunchtime, everyone hurried out of the classroom in a haste to get to their homes. I threw my books back inside my bag and walked out of the classroom behind everyone else calmly. People rummaged through the halls, either on their way to the cafeteria or out of the school. 

I rounded the corner to the cafeteria and glanced at the people around me. Outside the cafeteria, I noticed that Chase and Izzy were having quite a heated conversation. Curious, I walked closer to them and was able to make out their expressions better. Chase wore a desperate and alarmed expression, while Izzy looked beyond furious. I furrowed my brows at this and walked closer to them, standing behind Chase.

"No, Izzy, I don't approve of this. I'm not going to do this." Chase said.

"What's happening here?" I asked, and they both snapped their heads to where I stood.

"It's Gregory," Izzy huffed immediately.

"What about him?" I asked, raising an eyebrow expectantly.

"We went out on a date," she started, and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Before you kill me, hear me out."

"I'm listening," I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

"He took me out to eat somewhere. Everything was going alright until I excused myself to go to the bathroom. When I came back, he was talking to some buff guys that looked scary, and after they left, I asked him about them. He refused to tell me, so when I pressed him to answer me he—he slapped me, and said that I was being annoying," she said, her anger disappearing and shifting to sadness. 

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