Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

By the time I regained consciousness, my head was pounding painfully. I winced, lifting my hand to my head and holding it, starting to feel nauseous. My mind was in a blur as I forced my eyes to open and took in my surroundings.

The first thing I noticed was the dark ceiling. I sat up on the bed I was currently lying on and furrowed my brows, trying to make out where I was. The room looked normal; there was a nightstand beside the bed, a glass of water with some pills on the side were on top of it with a small note. I narrowed my eyes at it, and picked it up to read it.

Drink this up. It will help with the headache.

I crumbled the piece of paper in my hand and threw it to the other side of the room. Like hell I would drink up anything they give me. I looked down at myself and noticed that I had new clothes on and that my bruises were all patched up. I frowned at this and stood up from the bed as slowly as possible. My head pounded in protest, but I ignored it and walked quietly to the door. I looked around to see if I could use anything as a weapon, but, unfortunately, I found nothing.

I prepared myself for a fight as I turned the knob, and I honestly didn't expect to find it unlocked. I pulled it open and looked down the hallway and, surprisingly enough, there was no one. I walked down the hallway, keeping my guard up as I made it to the stairs without anyone jumping on me. Me being highly suspicious about it was the understatement of the year.

I kept looking around, trying desperately to find some sort of weapon, but it was as if they cleared the whole place of violence. I gave up on the task and just decided to do it the natural way—with my fists. Sometimes, going old school is the best way to go.

I walked down the halls, turning corners every now and then to try and get out of the maze-like house. When I finally found some stairs, I started making my way down the steps. Once I made it down, I looked around the unfamiliar place. The kitchen was nice and big, and I frowned.

Wasn't kidnapping supposed to be scarier and threatening? An answer to that question instantly appeared once I heard the click of a gun safety going off.

And there went my short-lived freedom.

"And so, she awakens." A familiar voice mused, and I turned to look at the owner of the voice.

"So, you were behind everything this whole time?" I said, not feeling surprised.

"Perhaps," Izzy said cocking the gun to the side a bit. "I must say you are very well trained."

"Likewise," I snorted. "What is your deal?"

"I am just here to deliver the package to its owner," She said with a mindless shrug, and I glared at her. I took a threatening step forward, and she pressed the gun to my forehead easily. "If you try anything funny, I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your brain."

"Like you scare me." I retorted, and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm pretty sure none of us want Chase dead because of your stubbornness. So, I would recommend you start walking." She said, and I gritted my teeth. With one final glare, she turned me around and pushed me forward to the stairs that lead to the basement. My shoulders were tense as I walked down the steps and saw two men standing in front of a door. Once they saw us, they stepped aside and aimed their guns at me cautiously. I held the urge to roll my eyes at them and walked inside the now open door.

Now it was starting to look more of a kidnapping scene.

The paint on the walls was chipped, and the place had a funny smell to it. There were no windows and the whole room was lit up by a dim light hanging from the ceiling. Izzy pushed me forward, and I clenched my fists by my side in annoyance. My arms were pulled behind me as a cold metal wrapped around my wrists rather tightly. I was about to struggle, until someone walked in front of me, giving me a wicked smirk.

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