-Chapter 2-

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It is the very last night of the RED tour and the last night I will get to wish Taylor good luck in her dressing room and then whisper words of encouragement to her whilst on stage before and after singing Everything Has Changed.

Since Taylor and I wrote Everything Has Changed on her trampoline I had started to like her, I don’t know if it is her amazing, shimmering blue eyes or her silky smooth blonde hair but something about that girl made me love her the second my eyes landed on her.

When Taylor asked me to tour with her on the RED tour I was ecstatic and so excited that I would be able to see her every day and perform with her every night! We soon became best friends but on my end there was always something more that friendship and I would hate for that to go away once the tour finished. I wanted to be with Taylor for the rest of my life! If only she felt the same way…

I have never been able to build up the courage to ask Taylor out on a date or make a move on her because I know she doesn’t want that and it would ruin our friendship which she has told me on many occasions that she never wants to lose what we have. My mind is telling me to keep things as they are and not make things awkward but my heart is telling me to tell her how I feel.

It seems like this time I am going to go with my heart and within a couple of seconds, without really realising what I was doing, I was knocking on her dressing room door and walking in.

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