-Chapter 23-

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Taylors POV

“Hi Miss Swift, how have you been feeling recently?” Dr Clark asked me as Ed and I walked into the room.

“Really great actually, we felt kicking this morning for the first time” I said with a big smile on my face whilst climbing onto the bed with a little help from Ed.

“That’s great news, you are looking healthy as well, let’s do this scan then”

“Great, let’s do it!” I got into a comfier position and rolled up my top, Ed’s hand in mine. It was always a nerve racking moment just in case there is something wrong.

Soon enough, I heard a faint heart beat and looked up to the screen seeing my little baby. She was scrunched into a little ball but I could still make out that she was sucking her thumb, she looked so cute!

“Everything is looking good, would you like to know the sex?”

Ed and I looked each other, smiled and nodded in unison to the doctor. With that she took a closer look before looking back to us.

“Miss Swift, Mr Sheeran… you are having a girl! Congratulations!”

I couldn’t help but cry straight away, a little baby girl was everything I ever wanted. I don’t know whether it was because I was so happy or my hormones going a bit crazy but I couldn’t control myself, I broke down there and then.

“They are tears of happiness” are the only words that managed to escape my mouth as both Dr Clark and Ed looked at me with worried expressions.

“The next time I see you, you will be in labour so make sure to ring me as soon as you feel something Taylor. Up until then it is down to you Ed to keep her safe, take good care of her”

“Will do Doctor” Ed replied as we walked out of the room hand in hand.

All I wanted to do was go out shopping for clothes but Ed said that I had been on my feet for too long and that we needed to go home and rest. I eventually agreed with him but made a deal. I said that if I was to go straight home he would have to take me to Starbucks on the way. Just to my luck he agreed.

Now it was just a waiting game until our little baby girl was born. We went to bed that night discussing names for our daughter. We had a baby name book that I was looking through picking out my favourites before telling them to Ed.

I was lay in bed with my head on Ed’s chest, he had his arm wrapped around me with his hand stroking the side of my bump. Every time I suggested a name I looked up at him to see his initial reaction until I found one that I knew he loved straight away.






All of these names were lovely but none of them seemed right and I knew from looking at Ed’s face when I read them out that we felt the same way. It went on like that for a while until I found the one. How come I hadn’t thought of it sooner?

“What about Alison?” I said slowly.

“Your middle name, I love it! It’s perfect love”

“Alison Andrea Swift”

“Babe, it is perfect” Ed said as he kissed my head, “But can we please go to sleep now, all of this name picking has really tired me out!”

“Sure, goodnight daddy” I said giggling slightly.

“That will never get old, love you mummy”

“Love you too”

Mummy, Daddy, it all sounded really weird but soon we would have a little girl saying it to us which seems even more weird but perfect at the same time. And with that we fell asleep.

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