-Chapter 19-

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3 Months Later

Taylors POV

It had been 3 months now from the day of our first appointment and things seemed to be going okay Ed and I had been apart for a couple of weeks as we both had work to do for our new albums and upcoming tours.

We had told both of our families and close friends about the baby but we still hadn’t told the fans and the media hadn’t yet found out which was good, it was still our secret until we decided to share it with everyone. I wanted to wait until after the 3 month scan to tell our fans just so I knew that everything was still okay and Ed thought that was the best idea as well.

Even though I was only 3 months I was starting to show a bit, I think it is because I have such a skinny build that it seems more obvious than it would for other people. Ed has caught me standing in front of the mirror a few times standing to the side and rubbing my tiny belly but he just laughs at me. I still think it is a miracle to have someone growing inside of you.

Tomorrow is our 3 month appointment at the doctors and I am a bit nervous but still excited that we will be sharing the news with our fans over a live video in the next could of weeks.

The next morning I wake up and get ready, waiting for Ed by the door when he finally manages to stumble out of bed and into the hall whilst still only half dressed and trying to put his shoes on. I had woken him up a few times but had still kept falling back to sleep.

At the doctors it was the same process as the last time; go in, lie down on the bed, lift my top up, get the cold gel and wait for the image on the screen.

I squeezed Ed’s hand as tight as I could and didn’t take my eyes off the screen as we waiting for the image to appear.

“Oh my gosh, she is beautiful!” I exclaimed at the image, although I could tell the baby was not yet formed properly I could still make out some of her features like her legs and head.

“Don’t you mean he is beautiful?” Ed said not taking his eyes off the screen.

“I can see that you are eager to know the sex of the baby but I’m afraid you will have to wait until your next appointment, I don’t want to tell you now because it isn’t 100% accurate at this stage and I may not be correct.

“That’s totally fine with me” I stated, letting go of Ed’s hand to wipe off the gel and pull my top down before sitting upright and collecting my things.

Both I and Ed left the doctors feeling great, we walked out to the car hand in hand and decided that we would let the fans know the good news in the next week or so. All I wanted to do was to buy baby clothes and decorate the nursery but I couldn’t until we knew the sex. I mean, I don’t think a little baby boy would appreciate coming home to a pink room in pink clothes surrounded by pink toys!

I was stood in front of the mirror that night just in my underwear whispering to my unborn baby and rubbing my belly.

“You are going to be the most beautiful baby ever, you are going to be adorable, just like your daddy!” I started before I felt arms wrap around my waist. I knew it was Ed so I didn’t move but I must have been too lost in the moment to notice him coming up behind me in the mirror.

“No, you are going to be beautiful just like you mummy! You don’t want to look like a hobbit like your daddy. You are going to have beautiful blonde hair and gorgeous crystal blue eyes just like mummy!” Ed said into my ear, his hands on top of mine on my belly.

I couldn’t help but giggle to myself about what he had said and I turned my head around to give him a kiss before turning back around a staring into the mirror again.

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