-Chapter 20-

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I was stood behind Taylor my arms wrapped around her waist and my hands on her growing belly, she was really starting to show now and I thought it was really cute how she would look at herself in the mirror and talk to our unborn baby.

We stood for a few more minutes until Taylor started to speak.

“I just look horrible and fat!” she said out of nowhere.

“What? Darling, you don’t look fat at all, you look amazing and radiant. You really are glowing and I didn’t think it was possible but you really do look more stunning than I remember. Don’t get yourself down.” I ended by giving her a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

When Taylor didn’t reply I continued, “In a few weeks it will be a perfectly round bump and then in a few months it will be gone and we will be holding our perfect baby”

“I suppose. I think it will be better when we tell our fans because I won’t have to wear all of these baggy clothes, I think that will make me feel I bit better in myself.

“That’s right, now come on let’s get to bed, it’s getting late and I can tell you are tired”

I passed Taylor her pyjamas and we both climbed into bed, we manoeuvred ourselves into the position we got into every night and I rested my hands on her belly as I did every night. It must have made her feel safe and comforted her because whenever I did it she fell straight to sleep and didn’t move until she woke the next morning.

1 Week Later

A week has passed now and Taylor and I have decided it is about time to tell everyone about the baby. We both thought it would be best to do it from the comfort of our own home over a live video on YouTube rather than having to travel to a studio or anything.

Over the past week Taylor has got a little bit bigger to the point where the bump is noticeable more a less no matter what she wears so she decided to put on a lose dress to disguise it the best she could.

We settled down on the couch in front of the laptop that I had set up on the coffee table earlier on.

A/N realy short chapter so i will do a double upload now! so this is part 1 of 2! love you guys<3

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