-Chapter 5-

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Taylors POV

Sooner than I would have liked, the show was over and I was taking my final bow with the rest of my band and dancers at the end of We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. As with every other night of the tour, I turned around, ran up the steps and posed at the top, I turned to the crown waving as they all screamed and chanted my name. It was the best feeling in the world!

After the lift had gone down and the curtain had dropped I made my way to every single one of my band and dancers and hugged each and every one of them, thanking them for an amazing experience and saying that it wouldn’t have been possible without them. It started to become very emotional and there were lots of tears but through all of that I could help notice that Ed was nowhere to be seen, my best friend wasn’t here to support me, something wasn’t right.

After saying good bye to a lot of the people who had to go straight home after the show I made my way back to my dressing room. Usually I would have to start getting ready for Club Red but we had decided not to do it tonight as we were all so tired and needed rest before having to travel back home in the early hours of the next morning.

Once I was in my dressing room, alone, I noticed an envelope addressed to me that wasn’t there before the show, I quickly made my way over to it and tore it open.

Dear Taylor,

I am sorry about what happened before the show, it was stupid of me and I hope I didn’t ruin your performance (you were still perfect so I am sure I didn’t).

I am usually better at writing things down as you know so I guess this is what it am doing now. Here goes…

Taylor, I have known you for nearly 2 years now and the first time I met you I fell in love with you instantly, you crystal blue eyes and you blonde curls, just everything about you is so beautiful! You made it clear that you just wanted to be friends, best friends, so I have respected that for the past 2 years but I can’t do it anymore.

I guess what I am trying to say is that… I love you Taylor, I always have and I always will. I would have preferred to tell you this in person but you know how awkward I get and it wouldn’t have come out the same. Anyway, I completely understand if you don’t feel the same way but I needed to get it off my chest, I needed to tell you.

If you decide you want to talk to me after this please just text me.

Goodnight Taylor and thank you for everything,


Ed x

Oh My Gosh. I had tears in my eyes on the first line. I have only really thought of Ed as a friend but what if I was just being naïve and I have always wanted more. I mean, I have had a fair few relationships in the past but I have never felt this way for anyone other than Ed.

Why did it take him to say how he feels for me to realize what I really wanted. What I want is Ed!

I want to go straight over to his tour bus and tell him how I feel for him but I realize I have that surprise thing with my family. I walk out of my dressing room to find my mum waiting for me. She made me wear a blindfold and lead me to another room. I don’t think I was supposed to but I could hear hushed giggles but before I knew it, the blind fold was ripped off my head to reveal all of my band and family stood with balloons and party poppers shouting “SURPRISE!”

It feels like my birthday all over again and I love a good party but my mind can’t seem to focus, all I can think about is Ed.

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