-Chapter 15-

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Taylors POV

It hit me again, the wave of nausea as it had done the morning before. I squirmed out of Ed’s arms trying not to wake him before throwing myself out of bed and running to the bathroom. I made it just in time to open the toilet seat.

Like with yesterday, I felt Ed’s hand rubbing up and down on my back and his other hand holding my hair out of the way.

Once I had finished I flushed the chain and sat down with my back leaning against the wall. So many things were going through my mind. Was I really just ill? Or could I be… pregnant? I didn’t even want to think about the possibility, I mean, it would be great and everything but not great timing. Ed had his tour starting soon, I had my new album coming out and we had only been dating for like 5 months.

I tried to push the thought out of my head but just by looking at Ed I could tell that he was thinking the exact same thing as I was.

“Hun… do you think maybe… erm… do you think you could be… you know…” he stuttered.

“You mean, do I think I could be pregnant?” I questioned looking him dead in the eye. He nodded and so did I.

“I knew I was late but that’s normal for me, how could we let this happen?” tears are filling up in my eyes and I don’t know what to do with myself apart from break down at the thought of having a child, I am only 24!

Ed pulled me into a tight hug and attempted to reassure me that everything will be okay.

“Shh, babe, this will be amazing. I mean it isn’t quite the best timing but we will make it work, it’s what we both want isn’t it?”

I nodded, Ed was right, this is what we both want but the timing is so wrong and that’s what’s worrying me.

“What about my album and your tour? What about our carriers?” I was saying my thoughts out loud at this point.

“It’s fine, we will make it work, we will find away… anyway we aren’t even 100% sure that you aren’t pregnant yet!”

A couple of minutes later after I had stopped crying and thought more positively about the whole situation Ed decided to go the our local store and get a pregnancy test. He went on his own and tried to keep hidden so that no false rumours could be started before we even knew the truth.

A/N is there going to be a SWEERAN  BABY?! Second update for today, i will probably put 2 more up later on today before i go away for a week, love you all, thanks for reading and voting!<3

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