-Chapter 10-

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Taylor had just left the room to go and get a DVD for us to watch together. I was planning on taking her out for a romantic meal but decided it would be best to stay in, it would also get the media going mad if we were to be seen together in public.

I took my shoes and coat off and got comfy on the couch, grabbing the blanket from the couch next to me ready to put over us both once Taylor was back in the room and sat down.

We have watched plenty of films together in the past but that was only as friends, we sat next to each other but hardly touching and she was on her phone most of the time because she didn’t like my choice of film but this time will be different. Or I hope it will be different.

After a couple of minutes Taylor returned to the living room, DVD in hand. I noticed straight away that she had changed into a pair of pyjamas so she could get more comfy. As she walked over to the TV to put the DVD in I noticed that her pyjamas had little cats all over them and I could help but giggle, she just turned to look at me with her sweet smile before walking over and sitting next to me.

At first there was a bit of distance between us but I could see that Taylor was a bit cold so I put the blanket around the both of us. That’s when she shuffled over so she was right next to me and rested her head on my chest, I slipped my arm around her waist and rested my hand on her hip, her hand moved over so it was on top of mine.

This was the change, this was the difference between being friends and being a couple. But that was the thing, we weren’t actually official yet and I wanted us to be but I didn’t want to rush into anything.

I knew before Taylor even put the film on that it would be Love Actually because she always goes on about it so much, she had pre-warned of every part that she would cry and as if she was on a timer she cried at each and every time she had said.

I could feel that she was getting upset and I could hear her tiny little sniffles so I held her tighter. She looked up at me, her crystal blue eyes glistening beneath the tears. I kissed her on the head as she turned back to watch the movie

When the film had finished, Taylor didn’t move or get up but when I looked over at her I noticed that she had fallen asleep. I tucked her in under the blanket and shuffles myself until she looked more comfortable. Taylors head was now resting on my lap and I just gently stroked her soft curls until I fell asleep as well.

She was a beautiful sleeper, she looked so peaceful and content so I didn’t want to wake her.


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