-Chapter 8-

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Although we had kissed a couple of times the night before and I now knew that Taylor felt the same way for me as I did for her, I still couldn’t help but feel nervous to ask her out on a real date. I wanted to make sure she was 100% sure before we made anything official with our relationship.

The days went past really fat and before I knew it, it was Wednesday.

I had arranged to pick Taylor up from her house at 6.00pm and it was only 4.00pm so I still had plenty of time to get ready and make myself look a little but more presentable. I didn’t want to wear my usual attire, jeans and a t shirt (with a crazy pun or joke on the front) so I routed around in my closet until I came across some decent dress pants and a white shirt. I didn’t feel the need for a tie because they place I was taking Taylor to wasn’t that fancy. It’s a good job because I don’t own a tie anyway!

After taking a shower, getting dressing and putting some in some hair gel to try and tame the fierce strands I decided that I looked presentable… enough. I grabbed my wallet and made my way to the car.

I asked my driver to take me to Taylors house and he didn’t mind since it was only a 15 minute drive and we had done it many times before when I have gone to write songs or just hang out.

The drive went quicker than expected but I could help but get myself worked up and panic on the way. I have seen and spoken to Taylor every day for the past year but something here feels different. After the kiss, every time I see her I get butterflies in my stomach, that’s how I know she is the one.

A/N short chapter, sorry guys! i am really glad that people are choosing to read this! Please let me know what you think of my first fanfiction in the comments and maybe suggest anything that could happen in the next few chapters. love you all<3

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