2. Interrogation

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(3rd May)

They'd left you in a small cage for about an hour. You weren't able to see much of the Warehouse because the cages were in a separate corner surrounded by shelves, boxes and all sorts of other junk. You could hear the voices of people talking and moving around, the cracking of fires and footsteps. The scent of food was wafting over to you making your stomach growl.

You pulled your jacket closer to your body shivering. Your cage was small and there wasn't a fire nearby to keep you warm, so you had to make do with what you had.

You reached into your pocket and pulled out a picture of your older brother. He'd been killed a month prior by your old leader and family friend Baehyun. Your brother was bitten on the arm and instead of letting you say goodbye one last time Baehyun shot him in the head instantly.

You smirked to yourself thinking what happened and why you were being chased in the first place. You didn't regret getting revenge on Baehyun. Shit had gone a bit tits up. Now, here you were trapped in this small cage waiting for the enemy group to send someone to come and get you. Funny how things worked out sometimes.


You must've dozed off because your head jerked off the side of the cage when a loud scratching noise woke you up. Feeling very gazed, you stood up facing the person who opened the cage.

The same guy who brought you here earlier was stood there, his head and face were still covered, but you knew it was him because he had the same pair of beautiful doe eyes. He was watching you with a suspicious expression in his eyes, as if you'd suddenly attack him.

He said nothing. He just nodded his head to the side telling you to come out. You noted the gun in his arms and knives strapped to his thighs. Based on that, you thought it was best to listen to him. You nodded and stepped slowly out of the cage keeping a wary eye on him. He grabbed one of your arms tightly and began leading you away from the cages.

He took you through a wall of dirty rags and old fabrics until you arrived in the main living area of the Warehouse.

It was a big, square-shaped, open area. Tents and various living areas were set up around the edges with people walking around talking and socialising. Empty oil drums were alive with crackling fires that people were huddled close to trying to keep warm. A few children were running around playing, their parents hovering nearby keeping a close eye on them.

There was a pot of something being poked over one of these fires sending steam floating around it. Your stomach was aching with hunger and this aroma wasn't making that any easier.

The silent man marched you towards a set of stairs as people stared at you when you passed. Some looked scared, some looked curious and the rest looked angry. You ignored them and continued to look around you at the interior.

On a pillar next to the stairs there was a wooden board nailed to it. You managed to read the list quickly;

Warehouse Rules:
1. No loud activities.
2. No fighting with other people living in the Warehouse.
3. Anyone found with unauthorised weapons risk being thrown out. -All weapons must be checked and kept in weapon storage.
4. Lights turn off at 8 pm every night to reduce risk of attack.
5. Never do anything that could involve getting another member of the Warehouse bitten or risk being executed or banished.

You made a strange noise of surprise at rule five, their main priority was keeping the place clean from Biters. Wise.

You learnt two things from this list; the guns were all kept in one place and they had power.

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