38. Taehyung's advice

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(25th June)

You had reached the entrance to the tunnel after about 30 minutes of driving to find the entire opening blocked by an overturned bus. The others were still in their cars as Namjoon had sent you and Yoongi out to have a closer look.

"See what's on the other side of the bus, over," Namjoon said over the walkie-talkies. You turned and showed him a thumbs up to show you understood. You looked over at Yoongi who immediately shook his head.

"I'm not going up. You won't be able to get me up there."

You chuckled, "You don't have to, just give me a leg up and I'll look."

Yoongi seemed to approve of this and gave you a leg up onto the bus. You heaved yourself up onto the bus and stood up looking into the dark tunnel.

Your honest thought was that it looked terrifying. It was a vast expanse of blackness that went on forever and you didn't even want to think about what was hiding out of sight in the pitch black.

"What you seeing?" Yoongi called up, "Is it clear?"

"Pass me up a torch, please." Yoongi jogged back to the truck and returned with one throwing it up to you. You clicked it on and looked around. Some cars were crashed here and there and the floor looked like it was covered in water but apart from that, it looked fine.

"Looks fine, I think we can get through, over."

You jumped down off the bus where Yoongi steadied you when you landed. The two of you walked back over to Namjoon who was climbing out of the truck with Jimin close behind him. Jin, Hobi, Taehyung and Jungkook joined you waiting for Namjoon to tell them what the plan was.

"Y/N said there is a clear path on the other side of the bus so we should be alright. There are some rucksacks in the trucks, grab one each and put personal belongings in them, it looks like we're carrying our own stuff. There is a gun, knife, water canteen and whatever bullets we can find so gear up and we'll go when everyone's ready."

The group dispersed and you walked over to grab one of the bags, it was a dark purple one with strong looking straps. You put your pistol in your jeans, knife in its sheath around your thigh and attached the bow and arrows to your bag securely. Jin threw you a water canteen, some bandages and canned food. Everyone was going to share the load as evenly as possible.

"Y/N," Hobi spoke calling your name.

"Yeah, oppa?" You walked over to him where he was stood by a random car.

"Here," he reached into the car and pulled out a red and black checked shirt, "This looks around your size and you need a new one."

"Thanks," you smiled pulling it on and doing the buttons up.

"Suits you," he smiled as the two of you returned to the group who had gathered together as Jin passed out torches.

"They're rewindable so wind them up when they go out." You nodded taking one and attached it onto one of the straps on your bag. Your left strap was digging into your freshly stitched cut and you made a mental note to find something to pad it out with.

You took a deep breath and looked over the orange sky, the sun had would start setting soon. You must have been travelling for ages and time seemed to have gone so fast. It felt like yesterday when you escaped from Baehyun and met the guys in the Warehouse for the first time. 

You glanced over at Jungkook, he was listening to Jimin and Yoongi who were talking to him about something. The sunlight reflecting on his face making him glow.

As you watched him he pushed his hair out of his face exposing his forehead, tilted his head back slightly showing his jawline. He was so breathtaking. A moment later his eyes locked onto yours, the intensity of his gaze made you blush as you were forced to look away.

How could he do this to you? How did he make you so weak?

You peaked a glance back at him a moment later and he was looking back at Jimin and Yoongi a small,  smug smile on his face.

Crossing your arms you looked back at the sun, this was the worst possible time to be getting distracted by a boy. Eomma had told you stories of when she was in school and she'd be distracted by boys. She wouldn't do schoolwork or she'd wiggle out of doing chores so she could go and meet up with her boyfriend. In those times, it was alright to be distracted by things like that because there wasn't any danger of being killed by the living dead.

"You alright Dongsaeng?" Taehyung asked appearing next to you. He'd taken off his trench coat and had it wrapped around his bag. You'd never realised how broad his shoulders were before.

"Yeah, you?" You looked over at Jungkook still feeling annoyed he could make you weak.

Taehyung turned around to see what you were looking at, "What's he done?"

"Nothing," you growled slightly.

"That doesn't sound like a nothing to me," he looked slightly confused, "Come on, Y/N, you can tell me."

"Ugh, fine," you groaned but were secretly happy to be talking about it. "He somehow manages to make me weak without doing anything. He can go from baby to daddy in milliseconds with just moving a muscle in his cheek which turns me into a blushing mess. He's killing me."

"Do you think you're sexually attracted to him?" Tae asked lowering his voice.

You pulled a disgusted face, "Tae oppa!" Taehyung raised his eyebrows, "Ok, fine maybe a little bit." You glanced at Jungkook again, "Or maybe a lot."

"Well, I can tell you for a fact he's attracted to you in every way."

"Really?" You said slightly too loudly and everyone looked at you.

"Yes," Taehyung chuckled glancing over at Jungkook, who was watching you and Tae out of the corner of his eyes. You felt happy at this information for obvious reasons.

"How do you know?" You wanted to know the details.

"He was telling me, Hobi and Jin hyung in our car on the way. He said he liked you, he thinks your beautiful and sexy and everything."

"He said that?" Taehyung just nodded, a small smile appeared on your face and the feeling of happiness increased.

"What should I do?"

"Tease him, play him at his own game. I can assure you that you make him just as weak as he makes you. Just a swish of your hair can drive a guy crazy. Do that kinda thing."

"Right..." You muttered making a mental note, "Swish hair and don't break eye contact until he does."

"Brush your hand against his. When he looks at you and his eyes go hooded and dark hold his gaze. Don't drop it until he looks away."

"But we're in a world where the number of dead outnumber the living. Shouldn't we both be focusing on surviving?" You asked rocking your weight onto one of your legs and leaning into your hip.

"Y/N, you of all people know this, you could be dead tomorrow. Wouldn't you prefer no regrets? Live while you can because he can be gone like that," he clicked his fingers to show his point.

"Thanks, Taehyung oppa."

"No problem, let me know if you need any more advice. I like giving people advice."

"I'll defiantly be asking you. You give good advice too."

Namjoon interrupted your conversation, "Come on guys, let's get going."

You and Taehyung began walking towards him and you spotted Jungkook watching you. You smirked to him slightly and he immediately broke the eye contact looking at the floor with an embarrassed smile on his handsome face. Taehyung's advice did work.

"You're a genius," you muttered to Tae as you went.

Tae laughed, "I know." 

Taehyung, you're a genius.

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