51. Woo

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(2nd July)

2 days. 2 days Baehyun left you alone in your cell to slowly sip at the small amount of water you'd received and watch his men walk past your cell looking at you like you were a piece of meat. You were starving but refused to voice your hunger instead you laid on the floor trying to find a comfortable position to sleep and thinking about whether the guys had reached the Hospital yet. 

You still felt guilty for leaving them without saying goodbye but you knew if one of them died trying to help you you'd feel much worse. You hoped Namjoon's arm was going to be alright, you hoped they all found a reason to smile in the future and you hoped they would forgive you for running away. It's not like you'd find out if they did or didn't forgive you anyway, what good would it do?

Jungkook's handsome face floated into your mind and you felt yourself smile automatically. His beautiful glowing skin, his ebony black hair and curious yet dangerous doe eyes watching your every move. You chuckled remembering how he'd acted when you first met, he hated you so much. 

The memory of when he'd returned to the farmhouse after the disastrous scout mission with Jimin and Hobi, he was so shaken, so nervous. He'd been so worried about it he'd slept in the same bed with you that night because he couldn't settle alone. From that point on he'd sleep next to or with you every opportunity he got. Under a blanket in the old church, on a mattress in the town hall and in a tent together on the rooftop. 

You chuckled to yourself when as remembered crawling through the small tunnel with the guys and Jin laughing about Jibooty. You missed his loud laugh and ridiculous dad jokes that were actually pretty funny. You wish you'd told him you found them funny. 

That brought another memory into your head of when you were sorting out supplies with Yoongi before you first scout mission. You remember being so nervous and scared of him because of his blank and pale look. After time passed you realised he had a soft and gentle heart. He loved company despite looking like he'd rip your head off sometimes. 

The smiling face of Hobi floated into your head when he saw Jungkook and Yoongi had been reunited with them. He was so excited about getting back with the group. You missed his random dances and positive attitude. He often left you wondering if he was human at all. It was only one the days he was tired or stressed did you learn about his worries or fears, it reminded you that even the most positive and happy people get stressed.

Namjoon. You'd never met anyone you respected as much as you respected Namjoon. You could still picture the look he gave you when you first arrived at the gates of the Warehouse asking for help. Even when you a known enemy he still trusted and let you in. You'd never forget his kindness and faith. You respected him, even more, when he admitted that he didn't know what to do and wanted you in the truck with him. He was a true leader.

There was a lot you could remember about Jimin. His sharp tongue and witty comebacks didn't cover over that he was sensitive and kind. You could remember when you saved his life the first time on the scout mission and he never thought badly of you again. That was the fastest opinion change you'd ever seen.

You wished you'd asked Taehyung more about himself. There were still so many unanswered questions you had for him. The image of his handsome face half-hidden in shadow and his trench coat collar pulled up whether there was wind or not. You'd miss his helpful comments and the advice he gave you about Jungkook.

You were glad you had these memories to look back on. You loved the guys and you'd miss them. 

The sliding of the lock made you jump and you looked up to see a young guy opening the door a cautious look on his face. "Yeah?" You asked him a confused look on your dirty face. Did he want something or was he just going to stand there and gawk at you? 

"Baehyun sent me to bring you to him." He spoke in a voice much softer than you expected. You nodded and struggled to your feet feeling stiff, tired and hungry. "Before we go there's something I want to say to you."

You paused confused and waited for him to continue. What could this random guy possibly want to say to you? It was hard to read his expression because it was dark but, from what you could see, he looked conflicted. 

"I was there when you killed Baehyun's family. I was in one of the trucks trying to catch you."

"So?" You wheezed your voice slightly hoarse from not using it. Why did this random guy suddenly want to talk to you? You didn't recognise him and you didn't know his name.

"I was with the group that chased you across half the country and," he paused again, "I guess I'm just trying to say it was pretty impressive. You managed to keep Baehyun at arms reach for months. You were always one step ahead, it's just impressive considering Baehyun claims he knew exactly what you were going to do."

Now you were closer to the guy you realised he couldn't be much younger or older than you. He had nervous eyes and wavy brown hair that could easily but pulled into a bun. Even though he looked young he was well built with muscly arms and a broad chest. 

"How old are you?" 

"19, I think I'm almost 20," he replied looking down at the floor. 

"What's your name?" You asked taking a step closer to him.

"Call me Woo, everyone does."He looked slightly sheepish. 

"You want to know something Woo?" 

"What?" He asked curiously with furrowed eyebrows.

"Never let me talk." 

Before he could answer you grabbed the knife out of the shieth on his hip, tripped him over and grabbed his neck from behind pinning the knife to it. 

"NO, PLEASE," he choked and tried to pull your arms off his throat. 

"Give me a reason as to why I shouldn't kill you right now? One reason."

"Because I want to help you."

"What?" You growled digging the blade into his neck to make him talk faster. "Explain before I slit your throat and make an incredible getaway."

"I want to help you escape, I want to escape with you. Baehyun told us your group would be coming to Seoul because you want to find a safe group of people or whatever. I heard my mum ran away with them last winter. If I help you escape I want to find her again, please just, don't kill me!"

You slowly let him go, he was so young and sounded like he was genuine. If you could make even one friend in this place you would be happy. Until you died anyway. He coughed and you stood up giving him a hand up. 

"Thank you. I mean it, I want to be out of here just as much as you do. You need me so you don't starve to death and I need you to help me find my mother. Do we have a deal?" Woo held out his large hand with a pleading look in his eyes clearly desperate for an escape from Baehyun. 

You weren't sure how keen you were on agreeing to trust a random guy you'd just met but if he could help you out you'd be grateful. Baehyun wasn't the person you wanted to be around at the age of 19. If you were given the opportunity to get away from him when you were 19 you definitely would've taken it. It would've avoided the horrible mess you were in now. 

"Deal," you reached out and shook his hand passing the knife back. 

"Thank you, Y/N. I promise you won't regret this."

You felt yourself smile unconsciously, "I hope you don't regret putting so much hope in me."  

He nodded. "Baehyun wanted to see you. Let's go." It sounded like he was reminding himself more than you. He took hold of your arm and began marching you towards Baehyun's office, he looked like he was being rough with you every time another guard walked past but his grip on your arm remained soft and gentle.

Maybe he was serious about helping you get out. 

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