27. Hope

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(10th June)

You could finally do it!

You'd been determined to start walking normally because you were bored. You were bored with walking like you were missing half your leg and decided you were going to try and get rid of the stick as quickly as possible. You needed to walk normally as soon as possible in case Baehyun tracked you here. Plus, it was getting really hot and staying inside when it was hot was torture.

You'd ditched the stick Namjoon had given you and were secretly walking around slowly without it. This got rid of the suspicion you'd broken your ankle because if you could walk on it with only a small amount of pain and it hadn't been that long. You guessed you had just bruised it when Lady landed on you which was very lucky.

You started to hobble down the big set of stairs to show the others your progress. You knew Jungkook would be annoyed as he'd tried to persuade you to go easy and use the stick for as long as possible. You'd tried to listen to him but he wasn't the one with the stupid stick.

"Oppa look!" You called excitedly to Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi who were sat on the sofas in the main room, "My ankle isn't broken, I can walk on it."

They all stood up and came over to you. "That's amazing, Y/n," Jin smiled, "But shouldn't you keep the stick until you've recovered fully?" He sounded like a disapproving father.

"Yeah, but come on," you tried to quickly change the subject, "It's not broken."

"I'll admit that is good. You'd be out of action for a lot longer if it was broken, you wouldn't be able to put weight on it yet," Namjoon informed you crossing his arms.

"Exactly," you jumped on his point looking at Jin.

"How long does a bruise take to heal fully?" Yoongi asked Namjoon.

"Depends on how serious. She should take at least another week off. You can walk on it Y/n but don't go doing anything too physically inducing."

"Like what?" You crossed your arms, putting all your weight in your good ankle and leaning back on your hip.

"Like going outside," Jin said.

"Going up the ladder to see whoever is on the lookout," Yoongi added.

"And you can't go and see the horse." Namjoon finished.

You glared at them ganging up against you. "So, I can't do anything?"

"You can help in the supply room or help Jin with the food," Namjoon now sounding like he was trying to give you positives.

"Ah cheer up, Y/n," Yoongi smiled putting an arm around your shoulder, "At least you didn't lose a leg."

"I guess so," you nodded feeling flat.

"Jungkookie's gonna flip when he sees you without the stick," Jin laughed, "He's so protective." 

You looked at him confused, you opened your mouth to asked him what he meant when the front door creaked open revealing Jungkook and Hobi.

"Hey," Hobi greeted ditching the two bags he was holding on the sofa.

"What's in the bags?" You asked moving forward to have a look. 

"I give it 3 seconds," Yoongi muttered watching Jungkook closely, "3, 2, 1."

Yoongi must be a wizard.

 "Y/n, where is your stick?" Jungkook questioned immediately spotting you didn't have your stick and walking quickly over to you.

"Oh, here we go," Yoongi sighed collapsing on the sofa to watch the argument about to kick off in front of him, "I'm a genius. Min Yoongi, genius" 

"I don't want to use it anymore," you told him firmly. Jungkook looked to Namjoon who just shrugged shaking his head.

"You can't just say you don't want to use it anymore. You've broken your ankle you shouldn't be putting weight on it, let alone walking around without it," he replied exasperation thick in his voice.

"Actually, I've bruised the bone and Namjoon said it will be fine." You corrected him.

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